Chapter One: Nightmaric Daydreams

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Some say that when you experience something exterminating, you'd recall it forever. Crisp in your mind as if you'd just experienced it, unyielding, unwavering, imprint-able. I guess I could say, they're somewhat right, only an error in their logic I deemed. Sometimes, one can forget how beautiful, magnificent the world can be. The shimmering azure skies scattered with white cotton clouds, a blinding Sun in the center. The emerald green fields, rolling in waves, tickling my bare legs and feet; bright diamond lilies dotting the land as far as the eye can see. The childish wind playing with my hair and sun dress, I could even hear the laughter as it pined the dress against my body. My unbounded hair flew behind me like a untamed, wild dragon dancing in the air. Before I realized, in a flash of shadows, my elder sister was standing next to me; a bright cheerful on her face. In another flash of shadows our eldest brother filled me off the ground straight into the air onto his shoulders, a doom of laughter soon joining mine. Together, we stared out into the scene, entranced as we were. That was always my desired dream. An ancient memory from long ago, but is still as fresh in my mind as a new born child. It only shows how countless things can change in over a short period of time, how distressing it is that the Sun had to set on a perfect and pure day. I've thought back on when things were better... I was only 8 then, my sister, Drew, 13 nearing the edge of womanhood, and finally our eldest brother, Erin, 14 years of age. Our parents died when we were younger, leaving Erin to take care of us and the village forgery; a heavy burden to bare for somebody barely out of boyhood... Left to take care of two younger sisters. I close my eyes, taking in the deep calming breaths. Only to open my eyes again,to where I find the petals of the lilies turned pitch and ugly, the sky voided of hue and light, my siblings nowhere to be seen. I turn around in panic searching for anyone, running in a random direction. In a violent howl, the wind turns stormy as the corrupt petals were blow from their flower, surrounding me in a tainted storm. Most children would of been terrified, covered their eyes til it was all over, but... I wasn't scared. I raised my arms up to the sky, taking a deep breath... letting the darkness consume me... Children are taught that we should fear what's in the dark, mostly of monsters and demons... But, I just wasn't scared of the dark or what it could contain, for the day was just as dangerous. I took comfort in the darkness, the sincere silent, the beauty i can only find in the dark. To me, it was a hidden paradise that it allowed me to see. The corrupted petals started to fade away into elegant raven petals, a vibrant violet starting at the base of each one; four petals bond together forming what seems to become butterflies, peacefully fluttering away to give sight to what the night has to offer.

-Alicia Westbrook

Author's Note: I wonder if anyone is even gonna catch wind of this book to see this message. ;) If you do... Hi! And that moment when you find a bunch of stories, find them wondering, and try to see and find out how well you can mix them together to  gain even better story. Just need to edit a few things here and there, let's see how interesting we can get this! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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