Chapter 23

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Your POV

"(Y/N)?? Are you ok? You're...sweating. " I was shocked. Did he said I'm sweating? I touched my forehead and it was full of sweat.

"Are know?" Taehyung asked. "What do you mean?" Jimin asked. "You know.....going to the bathroom?" Taehyung asked. "Hell no!" I exclaimed. "So disgusting..." Jimin said. "I was just asking..." Taehyung retorted.

After eating, I didn't felt good at all. My head hurts. "Jimin. I'm going home right now. I don't feel good at all." I said weakly. "Maybe you should stay here. Its dark outside. Something might happen to you." Jimin said. "No, its ok. My house is just like two blocks away..." I said and was about to open the door when my vision just went black.

Jimin's POV

"(Y/N)...." I said while holding her hands. We are here in the hospital. She has a high fever and the doctor said she has a high fever. But she fainted due to over fatigue. What really is she doing to herself? She makes me worry.

Taehyung walks in the door with breakfast. We slept here so we can watch on (Y/N). Its better that its Saturday today and we don't have classes.

I was disturbed when someone was calling from the other phone.

"Hello?" I asked "Hello Jiminnie..." An irritating voice spoke. "Oh...Tiffany." I said. "Oh yes its me. I know you missed me. So I'm going to your house today. I'm actually outside your house. Come out now." She said giggling. I was just in my big eyes cuz I'm just shocked. "Uhhmm...we're not home..." I said. "Oh really? So where are you?" She asked. "You don't have to know. Bye." I said and put the phone down.

Then Another call went from (Y/N)'s phone. Its the Jungkook guy. I ignored it. Then it rang again. I didn't answered it again. It rang again. I was pissed off so I answered it.

"(Y/N) Why are you not answering my calls and texts? Are you angry at me or something? Are you ignoring me?! Hey! (Y/N), speak up.." Jungkook said from the other line. "Its...Jimin." I said. "Where's (Y/N)? What the heck did you do to her? Why are you holding her phone?" Jungkook asked. "We're at the hospital." I simply said. "What hospital? I'm going there." He said. Then I said what hospital we are in and the room number.

After some time, Jungkook went inside the door while panting.

He rushed to (Y/N) and left me a glare. He rushed to me and put my collars up while slightly hanging me on the wall.

"What did you do to (Y/N)??? What happened??? Tell me..." he said gritting his teeth.

"S-she has a high fever..." I stuttered "Since when is she here?" He asked. "Since last night." I answered. Then she put me down.

"Get out..." He ordered. "Why wo-" he didn't let me finished. "I SAID GET OUT!" He screamed.

"Guys...(Y/N) is awake." Taehyung said. Jungkook just sent me a glare and went beside (Y/N).

"'re here. Why are you here?" She asked. "Why are you guys fighting?" She asked again.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)...I was just worried about you." Jungkook said calmly. "Its ok Jungkook. There's nothing to worry about." She said. "Jimin is taking care of me." She added. "I'll be the one taking care of you." Jungkook said. "What?!" Me and Taehyung said in unison. Like really?

"No, its ok Jungkook. Jimin can take care of me." (Y/N) said. "I insist. I'll be the one taking care of you." Jungkook said.

Then someone went inside the room again. She was not invited nor expected to come.


Aaaww sorry for the suspense😂 Enjoy!!

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