Why are you doing this?

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       Wow, Hannah walking down a dark alley at night with a dead phone? Great idea. Not. I should've brought my phone today, my moms probably worried sick.

        Nervously walking down the alley way, I feel a chill. Shivering I pull my hood up higher. I shouldn't of stayed late at work. I should've left before the sun set. Hearing the wind blow, calmed me a bit. The leaves rustling and the smell of fall were always calming to me.

       Raising my head up to get a look at the sky, I felt someone breathing. Quickly turning around, I breathed a sign of relief. No ones there. Speeding up, I basically sprinted down the street.

        Slowing down when I felt safer, I started walking again. Hearing footsteps behind me I turned around. Again no one. Turning back around I'm face to face with a man.

         'Um hi?' I whisper afraid of what he's going to do. Backing away slowly, I wait for him to respond. Instead of responding he stalked closer to me. He was a head taller the me. Making him more intimidating. 'Mr. I really need to get home.'

         He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the near by wall. I try to pry his hands away from my neck. He's so strong. What is he the hulk? Gasping for air I try to force words out of my mouth. A scratchy scream came out.

      He dropped me to the ground. I watched him for a moment. He was pulling his hair and talking so lowly I couldn't hear, what he said. Scrambling on my knees to get away from him did nothing.

      He moved so fast, I lost sight of him. 'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Hannah, I didn't want to meet this way.' He looked into my frightened eyes for a moment. He stroked my cheek before jerking my neck up to meet his mouth.

     'It's only going to hurt for a second. I promise.' He kissed my neck once before I felt a searing pain. Trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp, I screeched 'ahh. Stop it hurts please. Why are you doing this?'

       I felt my body go limp. Finally the pain stopped. He holds me in the air for a second. Rubbing his thumb over my neck. Looking up at him I notice blood on his lips. Panicking, I try to move away from him.

       The last thing I remember of that night was. The man who bit me, leaning over me. 'I'm so sorry Hannah it was the only way I'm so sorry.' His tears were falling all over me. I think I was in shock. I wasn't scared at all, I felt like I knew this beautiful man. I felt like I knew him all my life.

     'Hannah sweetie, wake up your going to be late for school love.' Stretching in my bed, the events from last night start to play in my head. Bringing my hand to my neck, I wince. Rolling out of bed I try not to panic.

        Running to my bathroom mirror, I look in the mirror at my neck. There was no mark. Nothing. Not believing what I'm seeing I rub my eyes and splash water in my face. I look closer at myself. My blue eyes weren't blue. They were brown. That wasn't even the worst of it my naturally blonde hair had turned dark brown over night.

      Closing my eyes I leaned over the mirror. My moms going to kill me. I'm dead meat. Putting my makeup on and picking out my outfit. Deciding on black too much my mood.

            I rushed downstairs hoping my mom wouldn't see me

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        I rushed downstairs hoping my mom wouldn't see me. 'Hannah Oliver! Stop right there.' Oh great. Just great. She's going to kill me.

      'What happened to your hair?' I turned around to face her, wincing at the look on her face. 'Mama I dyed my hair.' The look on her face would've been priceless, if only I knew why my hair was this color. 'You what! Why?'

    'I just needed a change.' I shrugged, trying to play off the change. She looked at me for a moment. Turning her head to the side. 'Your eyes.' She grabbed my head and forced me to look at her. 'What's happening to you?'

    Looking away I blinked back tears. 'Nothing mama. I just need a change. I'm wearing contacts.' I could see the Relief on her face. 'I'm going to be late for school. Bye mama. I love you' getting on my tippy toes I kisses her cheek and ran out the front door.

Hi I'm lexi! Thanks for clicking on my story.
This part is. Little intense but the next part will be funnier.
I've decided to do pick up lines. For every chapter today's pick up line is: I'm not Fred Flinstome but I can make your bed rock;)
Don't forget to like and comment. I might pick your pick up line for the text chapter!

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