Nipples and flowers

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Balancing on the edge of the sidewalk. I let the wind blow my hair. Wondering what my friends will think. They've never really been my friends just people I associate myself with. Knowing they won't like the black hair, and the new clothes, I signed. I don't care what they think. I've never fit in. I don't want to be slutty. I can barely talk to boys.

         Jumping off the sidewalk I made my way through the school Parker lot. Not caring what people think of me anymore, I skipped through the parking lot doing my own little jig. Giggling as the leaves blew around me. Making my way to the door I walked in. Pushing my hair back I made my way to my locker.

   Slamming it open I turned to look at my locker partner. Asher. Memories from last night flashed through my head. 'I like the new hair.' He grinned at me with his perfect white teeth. Feeling uneasy I distanced myself from him. Pointing a shaky finger at him 'You did this to me. I remember. I remember, you bit me.'

Before I could scream at him he put his hand over my mouth. 'Now Hannah, be quiet. You don't know what went down that night.' Wanting to scream and yell and stomp at him, he simply smiled at me and walked away. Great. A fucking serial killed goes to my school.

Walking to class praying, Mindy and Cindy wouldn't find me. I don't know why I let them turn me into a blonde bimbo. Shaking off my thoughts, I walked into first period. Strutting past the teacher who gave me a pointed look to get a late slip. Sitting down I slumped in my seat and laid my head down.

My head was killing me. Whatever Asher did to me last night really messed me up. Thinking about going to the police was out of the subject. They'd think I was crazy. I have no real friends to tell. Deciding on confronting him later was the only thing that kept me going til lunch.

       Walking around the school I look for Asher. Finding him in the science hall I run up to him I flick him in the back of the head. 'Hey you rotten egg turn around!' Turning around trying to contain his laughter. 'Did you just call me a turkey?' Crossing my arms and glaring at him I nod.

     Not able to control my eyes, they wonder down toward his nipples. A smirk formed on my lips. 'Is it cold in here or are you happy to see me?' I'm so funny. I don't know why people don't like me. Covering his nipples he blushes. Aw that'd be cute if he wasn't a sociopath. 'You need Jesus. The closest thing to Jesus I have his flowers. I can cover your nipples with flowers.' Reaching out I flicked one.

  'Woah, watch it lady.' Smacking my hands away he started walking off. Smacking myself in the forehead I remember why I'm here. 'Hey I'm not done with you dick face.' Suddenly feeling a rush of strength. I grabbed him and slam him into the lockers. Not Realizing the giant dent I caused. 'Hannah, I need to you calm down.'

  Running my hands through my hair' as throwing my hands in the air I shout 'don't tell me what to do, you did this to me.' Point my finger at him I slam him into the locker again. 'Why did you do this to me? Why? I hate feeling this way! I'm so hungry. I hate you.' Grabbing me by my arms he shook me lightly. 'Hannah, I need you to look at me alright? Can you do that?' Nodding I look at him. His eyes were black just like mine were. He truly was beautiful.

    Using me being distracted, he grabbed me threw me over his shoulder and started walking toward the exist. Slamming my fists on his back I screamed for someone to help me. People turned and stared but didn't help me at all. Wow thanks really. I'm being kidnapped and no ones stopping it.

     Deciding to give up. I lay limp as he walked with me. Looking at is butt while he manhandled me, I notice it was plumb. Poking it as it jiggles I giggled. 'You're thicc.' I cackled. Slapping mine in return. Squealing I decided I've had enough. 'Look Asher, Buddy, friend, pal. Let's talk this out. I have a family. People will miss me.'

      'You're a weird one Hannah Mortar.' 'You're a serial killer, Asher whatever your last name is.' I know nothing about him. He bit me and now, all I can think about is sinking my teeth into someone's neck. Why do I trust him? 'This is the start of a beautiful friendship.' Asher cackled. Kicking my feet I demanded to be let down. After he put me down we walked toward the exist together. Arms linked together. 'I'll never be your friend Asher. '

Hi guys👋🏼
Pickup line of the day: Theres a sale at my house. Clothes 100% off *finger guns out of the room*
Word count: 893 words.
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If you comment a pick up line I will dedicate a chapter to you and make it the pick up line of the day{^^}

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