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Nobody knew she existed. Secretly she'd been born on August 31st. Her parents kept her hidden and loved her dearly. Ivy Potter played with her brother every single day. She was too smart for her own good. Ivy Potter was a metamorphmagus, but in her actual, original form she has red hair like her mother, eyes like her mother, her father's nose, pale skin, tons of cute freckles, and small for her age.
That Halloween night was the worst of her life. The night she lost her overprotective father, her loving mother, her home. When Lord Voldemort stepped over Lily Potter's body, he looked Harry Potter in the eye. But then he heard crying, and it wasn't coming from the boy. His eyebrows creased in confusion as he straightened up and look over the boy. There was a brand new baby girl. Harry couldn't have processed what was going on, he was only a year old. But he looked at the stranger, and gave him the stink eye. Harry's body blocked the baby girl. When the man stepped over and looked at the baby, she opened her eyes and stopped crying. Cooing, she reached for him. Her eyes were wide open.
"You're lucky I promised Pettigrew your survival. " He attempted to snarl. But her head tilted to the side, curiosity filled her big green eyes. He spoke to himself. "Just kill the boy." But what was left of his conscience was pulling at him in guilt. Harry had crawled over to block her with his body. Voldemort was witnessing the love between two kids. Two siblings. This baby girl wasn't as young as he was when he had to go to the orphanage. But he knew she'd endure the same pain. Even worse because she'd have to life knowing she had a brother. Pain hit him and he doubled over. This is what remorse felt like. He didn't like it but he deserved it.
"What are you doing my lord?" Most didn't know that Barty Crouch Jr. had been there too. "Just kill the boy and get it over with. Kill the girl too. It would be so much easier. Pettigrew doesn't deserve it. " Crouch's face contorted into its usual smirk that had lost all sanity.
"Don't tell me what to do!" His anger and bitterness had returned. In his anger his remorse had fled. His heart was as black as it had been before. But little did he know there was now a small red dot of where love could still begin.
He raised his wand and screamed. "Avada Kedavra." The spell backfired because of the ancient magical spell that Lily Potter had been clever enough to cast with her dying breath.
The blast was powerful enough to leave a scar on Harry forehead and Ivy's wrist. No one knew about that second where Voldemort almost turned away all his power. Just to give the baby girl a chance.
That night the house went up in flames, Hagrid just barely got Harry and Ivy out and imagine his surprise when there was a two-month-old baby girl that Harry was holding close to him. When he arrived at Number Four, Privet Drive, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were vastly confused.
"Albus, what does this mean?" Professor Dumbledore thought but this time Hagrid had the answers.
"Sirius Black gave me his bike to carry his godson here. However he says Lily gave birth to Ivy here, two months ago. They didn't tell anyone except Petunia, Remus, Sirius, and Peter Pettigrew. Peter is even her Godfather. She's even a metamorphmagus."
Dumbledore conjured another piece of parchment, a quill, and a cartridge of ink to begin writing.
As he wrote, Professor McGonagall wrapped the baby up properly and and held her close. Harry had fallen asleep on the way but Ivy was wide awake. She sucked her thumb, her hair was rapidly changing, and she was more aware than the adults wanted her to be.
"I still don't quite see why we must leave the children here." Minerva McGonagall was not a slacking woman. Especially when it comes to kids, children. She couldn't stand when parents treated their children disrespectfully. " Every child in our world will know his name."
"And that alone is reason enough. They need to grow up away from all that. Good luck Harry Potter." Dumbledore turned to Hagrid, who'd gotten tearful over leaving Harry and Ivy.
Minerva kissed Ivy's head and laid her down gently next to her brother. "Good luck Ivy potter."
The next morning Petunia Dursely leant out the door to collect the milk from the milk man, who'd left on a vacation for the day so a substitute was coming late that morning. Instead of finding milk jugs, she found two children along with two letters ending with the same signature, Albus Dumbledore.
As the two children grew, the neglecting adults hated to keep them in the same house. Petunia made them both wear Dudley's old clothes, but taught Ivy how to make alterations so it wasn't showing. Ivy's metamorphmagus ability was suppressed to the point she didn't know about it. Ivy never knew what a caring mother was supposed to be like. Ivy never knew what a protective Father was supposed to be like. Ivy would make pictures for her uncle and aunt, which were abnormally good, and she would end up confused why her aunt or uncle hated her drawings. Why she was picked on by the boys and girls at school. She never knew why her Aunt and Uncle would slap her if she asked questions. Why her Aunt would take away any and every book that wasn't for school. But through all of this she still smiled and loved to learn. She loved her brother and never judged her Aunt, Uncle, or cousin because they were all human beings who had feelings too. Sure she got upset every now and then, but she never held grudges.
She slept in the cupboard under the stairs, with her brother Harry. On her cousin's birthday they woke up to a loud knocking and her Aunt shrieking for them to get up and begin to make breakfast.
It seemed that by fate, Ivy and Harry were able to go to the zoo along with the Dursleys and Dudley's friend.
It ended with Dudley getting stuck in an exhibit and Harry heard the snake hiss his thanks. Ivy had not heard anything from the snake but Harry says that the snake said she was nice.
The two ended up grounded, depriving them of even more food. Later Harry had received a letter. Uncle Vernon had taken them from him and more came each day. Even on Sunday! Finally, Uncle Vernon declared that they were going far away.
They arrived at this rockery looking house where Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia got the bedroom and Dudley got the couch while the Potters got the floor.
"Harry?" Ivy yawned. She bustled into Harry's side, freezing cold. The thunder clapped down and Ivy jumped in fright.
"Yes, Ivy." Harry put his arm around his little sister who's emerald green eyes shown through the light of the fire. Her red hair was tangled, but shined in the dark light.
After a quick glance at Dudley's watch, she whispered"happy birthday."
Harry chuckled.
"Thanks. I can't wait for the seven more to come that way we can leave the Durselys for good." His eyes narrowed slightly.
"Harry! At least we have a roof over our head. At least we're together."
Harry shook his head. "We'd be better off out at an orphanage than here."
"Well I'm just glad we're together." Ivy spoke in a stubborn tone that made Harry grin.
Suddenly a booming sound came from the door. It wasn't thunder. It was a knock.
"Don't come in! We are armed!" Vernon Dursley cocked the gun and was waiting for the next knock. Dudley has woken up and stood in the middle, next to the couch. Harry and Ivy were hiding behind the fireplace.
The next few events made Ivy question her sanity. A giant man banged the door down and walked in. He had long brown fuzzy hair that blended into his beard. His Beatle eyes were placed on either side of his tab nose. "Sorry 'bout tha'." He bent down and stood the door up and closed it.
"Sir! I'm warning you!" Vernon tried to act in charge as usual. But the man walked over and as he spoke he bent the gun in half.
"Oh shut it Dursley, ya great prune!" He turned and surveyed the area, stopping once he'd seen Dudley.
"Ah, you must be Harry. Look how've you grown." Dudley seemed frozen.
"I-I'm not H-Harry." He stuttered.
Against Ivy's wishes, Harry stepped out from the shadows and spoke confidently. "I am."
"Well, course ya are! Where's your sister? Dursley if you did anythin' to 'er I swear-"
"She's right here." Dudley said hurriedly. He pointed behind Harry where I was hiding.
"Ivy! I haven't seen ya since you were a baby. Well I haven't seen either of ya since then but you were only two months old. You look small for your age. Your nine now, righ'?" Ivy could only nod. "I made ya somethin' Harry. Reckon I mighta sat on it at some point but it'll still taste fine." The man pulled out a white box. Harry untied the string. Inside the box was a cake. It wasn't pretty, but it smelt delicious.
"Thanks!" Harry exclaimed. Ivy beamed up at him and it seemed that something in his head clicked.
"An' look at tha'! You've learned to control yer hair!" At that comment Petunia seemed to jump in the conversation.
"Ivy! Come here." And the fear of her aunt had taken control as she walked robotically to her aunt who hid her behind her body. At first He seemed was pleased that Petunia had taken to defending the child but he soon realized it was not that she cared for the girl.
"Yeh mean you never told her?" He soon grew furious. He was livid that Petunia had attempted to take away the beautiful gift of Ivy Potter.
"She's my daughter and I did what I see fit." Harry flinched at that.
"You're not our mum." She looked at him and purses her lips.
"What do you mean, I 'learned to control my hair'? Ivy was curious. She'd love her hair color but she didn't know what he meant
Petunia turned to the girl and her face was red. "I told you, don't ask questions child. No food for you tomorrow. " Ivy just nodded in solemn defeat but the man had grown to love the child.
"How dare you! That's no way to punish a child. And that is nothing to punish a child for. You only have them because their parents were murdered."
"Murdered? You told us our parents died in a car crash!"
"We had to say something." Vernon retorted.
"Well next time say the truth. Blimey, Harry. I'd have thought tha' you'd have known."
"Known what?"
"Known about your parents, Hogwarts, magic."
"Sir? Are you feeling ok?" Ivy walked up to the giant who'd sat on the couch, which deflated considerably.
"Hogwarts is school of witchcraft and wizardry. The best In fact. I'm Rubeus Hagrid, the groundskeeper at Hogwarts but call me Hagrid. Your parents learned everything at that school. Harry, yer a wizard."
"Me? But, but I can't be. I'm just Harry. Just plain Harry."
Hagrid smiled at that. "Well, just plain Harry, have you ever made anything happen when you were sad or scared or mad?" Ivy saw the gears clicking in Harry's head.
"See? Here's you letter."
Harry grabbed it and opened it while Ivy looked over his shoulder.
"Dear Mr.Potter,
We are pleased to say that you have been accepted to Hogwarts, a school of witchcraft and wizardry. .... The term begins September 1st, and we await your owl." Harry read aloud.
"He will not be going." Vernon spat.
"Oh and I suppose a great muggle like you's gonna stop him?"
Ivy and Harry exchanged confused glances, but Hagrid explained quickly.
"Non-magic folk. Listen Dursely, he will be going to the greatest school under the finest headmaster the wizarding world has; Albus Dumbledore." Hagrid smile proudly.
"I will not pay to have some crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks!"
"Never. Ever. Insult. Albus Dumbledore. in .front. of. me!" With that Hagrid whipped out his pink umbrella and pointed it at Dudley who was bent over eating the cake for Harry's birthday.
The Dursely's screamed and ran to the refuge of upstairs, where they tried to fix Dudley's pink pig tail.
Harry laughed and Ivy managed a smile. "If you could do me a favor, don't tell anyone 'bout tha'. Strictly speaking I'm not supposed to be doing magic."
"Oh! Would you look at the time! We oughta get going! "
And that is the beginning of Harry's adventure. Hagrid explained why Ivy wasn't famous too and Ivy was ok with it. She'd never received good attention so she was fine with not being famous. Besides, it's Harry who defeated the Dark lord. Not Ivy. He asked if his sister could come with him but because she wasn't old enough she couldn't. Of course Hagrid did make a threat to the family and made sure they knew he would be back if they so much as yelled to at her. In Diagon Alley he bought them both ice cream and even bought Ivy a few books so that she could have the same resources as her brother. She read each of them studiously. They were about transfiguration, potions, charms, and herbology. She didn't find Defense against the dark arts as interesting so she got two charms books. She wasn't able to go with him to drop him off as she would have no way back so she went to Mrs. Fig. She missed her brother already.

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