Ivy's First Year Alone

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It was Ivy's first year away from her brother and although she missed her brother, she was glad that the Dursely's had given her and Harry one of the rooms. She still was bullied at school and it was worse than before because she used to have her brother who would help her. All throughout the year every other day she would get a letter from Harry and he would get one from her.
It was Harry's first long period of time away from Ivy since she was born.
He would send her letters every other day and although he missed his sister terribly, he was glad he made friends.
It was November 6th when they had started wondering who he was sending an owl to every other day and receiving one in between those days. They'd seen him sign 'love Harry' and Hermione insisted that he didn't have any siblings, whilst Ron could have sworn that there was one. It was January when they approached Harry about it.
"Harry, do you have a girlfriend?" Hermione wondered.
Harry's eyebrows creased together in confusion. "Why?"
"Well, see. We- Ron and I that is- were wondering who it is you've been sending so many frequent letters. Ron said it could be a sibling because we saw you sign 'love Harry.' But in all the books, it doesn't mention any sibling. So do you have a girlfriend?"
Hermione watched Harry laugh and turned a little red. "Hermione, I have a little sister. My parents didn't tell anyone. She's a secret from the Wizarding World. And I'd like to keep it that way. Anyway, I was going to tell you guys about her because she's a year younger than me and so she's stuck at muggle school right now and she doesn't have any friends. So," Harry paused and looked hesitant. Fred and George had walked in and sat next to Ron. "I was wondering if you could write to her. Y'know, cheer her up a bit." The Twins' heads jerked up at that.
Hermione took no notice of them and exclaimed " That's a great idea Harry! What's her name?"
"Ivy." Harry looked at Ron who just smiled. "I'll do it."
"Say Harry," Fred began.
"Who is " George continued.
"the lonely maiden you are conversing about?" They finished.
"His sister." Ron answered.
"Ronald!" Hermione scolded.
"What? I'm sorry Harry, but they were going to find out eventually." Harry just nodded. He wasn't too offended. In fact he'd been thinking of asking them. They were funny and they would be able to help cheer her up.
"Well, would it be alright if we wrote to her too?" They asked.
Harry simply nodded.
The next day, Ivy got four letters instead of the normal one.
First she read Harry's.
Dear Ivy,
You won't believe what happened. So my friends, Ron and Hermione, were wondering who I was writing to constantly and they saw me write 'love Harry' and assumed that I was writing to my girlfriend. How funny is that? We're only eleven! Anyway I told them about you so the other letters are from them and one is from Ron's older brothers. So have you been? Have the Durselys been mistreating you? If they have let me know. We don't have to deal with them anymore. I've gotta get to potions, but I can't wait for your response. I love you Ivy.
Love your older brother,
Ivy smiled, didn't he know that she was shy? Well at least she didn't have to talk in person. She went on to read one of the letters that had messy handwriting.
Dear Ivy,
You don't know me, but I'm Ronald Weasley. I'm your brother's friend and I love food. I come from a family of seven children, and I'm number six. I have a younger sister named Ginny so when Harry told me about you, I get the feeling. Anyway I love to play chess. I've been unbeatable since I turned nine. In all honesty I'm a very relaxed person. Unlike Hermione Granger. You'll meet her too.
Anyways have a good day and I can't wait to meet you.
Ivy grinned. She never had someone want to meet her. They all just avoid her. She grabbed the letter that had very neat handwriting.
Dear Ivy,
I'm Hermione Granger, and I am a muggle born so I've gone to muggle school. You know like elementary and some of middle school. Anyway I can't wait to see you at Hogwarts next year. It would be so nice to have a girl to talk to and I get what it feels like to be bullied. When I found out about being a witch I was so excited. I couldn't wait to come to Hogwarts. When I got my own books, I studied them so carefully because I couldn't believe that this was going to be my new life. Then I knew all the answers and I'm the goody-two-shoes. So I'm also the know-it-all. Any ways, there are quite a few people who don't like me being smarter because I read. And they bully me so I know what it feels like to be bullied. And if you ever need to talk it out and just need an ear to listen and not get angry, I'm here. Anyway have you read Hogwarts:A History? It's one of my favorites.
Hermione Granger.
Ivy finished reading with a small smile. She loved that book.
"Ivy! Dinner's ready!" She could hear Petunia call her down. Even though she wasn't like a mother, Aunt Petunia had loosened up a bit while Vernon tightened up. He had dragged her down the stairs when Petunia wasn't there. Ivy hadn't told her brother and she had no intention because it was her fault anyway.
' I'll read the other later. ' She thought. She ran downstairs and sat down at the table with Dudley and Petunia. Vernon was still at work. That was the happiest Ivy had been. All the rest of the year she wrote letters to Ron, Hermione, Fred & George, Hagrid, and Harry. Ivy had gone with the Durselys to pick him up and she had jumped into his arms when he came back. She had grown half an inch while he had grown three.
Where the Weasleys stood, Ron saw Ivy and Harry. He waved 'hi' to Ivy and she saw. He thought she looked so innocent and sweet. He knew she was, but he'd never seen her in person.         Hermione had seen Ivy and felt bad for her. 'Sweet girls are always the targeted ones. ' she thought. That was the common answer she'd found in all her books.
Fred and George had seen Harry Potter fall to the ground because of a smaller girl with red hair and emerald eyes. They'd seen her bright eyes light up when her brother approached her. No one would ever know how lonely she was after Harry left but before they sent letters to her. No one except them.
And one thought crossed all of their minds. "I can't wait for her to come next year."

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