One Direction Liam Fanfiction

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One Direction Liam Fanfiction:

You've heard the stories about bad boys falling for good girls, it's a common start to many good fanfictions. But, what happens when it's the other way around? What happens when the bad girl falls for the good boy. Strange? Yes. Different? Perhaps. But is it good enough for a fanfiction? I can't answer that question.

The main protagonist Becca is as bad as they come, the 19 year old rebel has the whole world tied around her little finger including her boyfriend, Ace. Your stereotypical jock with square shoulders and a hunger for danger. She's been there and done it all so to speak, that is except pass her recent tests. In desperate need of help she turns to the schools biggest nerd. Liam Payne.

Sample: (a/n When she asks Liam for help for the first time)

I walked into the classroom and threw my bag on the closest desk. I presumed the classroom to be empty but at the front desk there was a boy in a plain grey v neck top with brown eyes and hair. I pile of papers were sprawled infront of him and he was scribbling notes down violently. I recognised him as I had seen him in the hallwalls through out school. I think I pushed him into a locker this one time?

"Hey," Uhh what's his name again? "Leon." The boy at the front of the class turned to me.

"We have been at the same school for five freaking years, you don't even knnow my name." He laughed under his breath.

I scowled at him, I was in a bad mood. "So, what is it then smart arse."

"Liam." He stated in 'a matter of fact' tone.

"I was fucking close."

"Yeah, no you weren't." He started to turn back to his work but I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him.

"Shut up. Have you seen Miss Mires?"

"Nah." He spoke and wrote at the same time. I huffed and turned to leave.

"Wait, why do you need her?"

"None of your business."

"Rebecca, you make it so everyone knows your business." He spat at me like the words were venom.

"I don't know who fucking you are yet you claim to know all about me? You don't know anything." I turned to walk out again, and as my hand touched the cold metal of the door handle he spoke again.

"I know you're failing."

"What?" I turned once again to face him. "We haven't even got our results yet."

"Perks of being a friendless nerd, I sit in here at lunch to study, maybe get a high score on a new app I downloaded the previous day, and go looking for early test scores where I can so I don't have to worry."

"Worry? About a test?" I scoffed. "Well how do you know mine?"

"It was on the top of the pile." He said with an expressionless face. while swatting in the air signalling to Miss' desk. I walked towards it and picked up the first paper on the pile. U? A freaking U?! I actually tried. I ripped the paper in half tossed it in the trash and stomped to the door. "I can help you if you'd like."

"I don't need anything from you."

"Fine if you don't need help then what's iambic pentameter." I stood frozen, what the fuck is that? I swear I haven't learned it. Maybe it was a Monday and I was too pissed to remember. Exams were in five months, perhaps I could use the help? No I don't need his pity or his flipping help.

He smiled smugly.

"Okay but I swear if you ever fucking put me down again, I will get Ace to shove that bloody iambic pentameter so far up your arse there will only be 7 planets in the solar system as Uranus will be non existent. Got it?"

"Got it." He said intimidated by me, which was the intended effect. I quickly scribbled down my phone number and gave it to him.

"And also, don't tell anyone about this."

"You don't say please much." He muttered.

"Seriously man?" I said sarcastically as I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder before walking out the room. I looked around and quickly spotted Ace.

"Hey babe, what took you so long?" He waiting outside for me.

"Why did you miss me?" I laughed nudging his arm.

"Might have done." He kissed me but I laughed and pushed him away.

"Idiot." I said smiling.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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