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"I think you're doing a great job on your plan", Ophelia said, giving me a warm smile.

It had been days that I have been avoiding justin, and to be completely honest I was getting used to it. I was positive he had another girl at this point, giving her the love and attention I deserved but never received. I was new now, different than the person id known.

"I think so too," I grinned.

she smiled wider, flashing her gleaming teeth. "Now it's time for you to find a new man," she laid lowering her voice, staring at me with intense, anxious eyes, her expression unreadable.

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need a fucking man for gods sake, this place is just infested with immature boys who don't know the first thing about treating a woman right. Boys don't excite me no more."

Ophelia continued to stare at me, scrutinizing my face, giving me a look I didn't entirely understand, so I smiled tentatively at her.

"Are you sure?" She said, sounding concerned, like she could read my mind. I was getting really paranoid about that specific concern.

I frowned, wishing she hadn't brought it up so I wouldn't have to compose careful half truths.

"Yes, I'm positive," I reminded her. I was pretty angry at that point, not being able to talk myself out of this, or come up with a way to leave this conversation. But it was too late for it now, Ophelia was already deep into the subject and wouldn't let me go.

Her voice dropped to a quiet whisper, her eyes roamed over my face, like it was more than just a simple question.

"Because last night when you were asleep you kept tossing and turning restlessly, mumbling that you need someone to keep you sane, someone to love you." Her gaze lingered on the circles under my eyes. "You even look tired."

Patches of red flared in my cheeks, but that was probably okay, i was supposed to look emotional. Being informed that I talk in my sleep wasn't the most delightful thing I needed to hear.

"I couldn't sleep," I admitted, clearing my throat self-consciously.

She frowned, her eyes focused on my expression, always seeming to be on the edge of her seat waiting for my answers, she always had a follow-up question, she always wanted more. So I went along with the psychoanalysis, since I mattered to her.

"So are you really sure you don't need anyone?" She asked once again, her voice was polite, controlled.

I sighed deeply.

The answer was clear in Ophelia's eyes. Yes. Yes, I did.

𝐈; 𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄Where stories live. Discover now