Random adventure

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     You were walking home from work one day, the sky was clear and the air was cold and windy.  As you walked you must have took a wrong turn because you were no longer on the street but in a dark woods surrounding a very large mountain.

     Your POV:
"Hm I don't remember this being here" you thought only a little nervous while looking around. You continued to walk as you started to notice rather large foot prints in the ground, they seem to resemble lizard feet but much bigger. A trail of identical prints lead through the woods and up the side of the mountain, when you looked around you saw that various life forms were either burnt or crushed. Once you got to the top you saw a large green dragon and what seemed to be a very drunk women with pinkish hair. They notice you and the woman turns to you with beer dripping down her chin and her hair a mess.

Woman's POV:
"H-heeeyy *hic* what ya doin up here? *hic* you know this i-is private property right?".
She fell over giggling and looked at u again then passed out.

Dragon POV:
"I'm sorry for Miss Kobayashi's actions she's like this a lot" she looked at u sadly "it's fine I'll just um go then." You replied as you slowly backed up away from them and ran home.

Random fafnir x reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz