~Chapter 2~

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It's been a month. An entire month since he'd seen the ever so beautiful campus that Corbyn made the decision to attend.

"Today's the day!" Ivy shouted as she woke her son up from his daydream. Corbyn refocused on eating his breakfast with his family. His cat, Emma, jumped onto his lap and began to purr.

"I'm going to miss you too babygirl." Corbyn whispered as he gave he kitten a gentle hug. "It'll only be four years. I'll come home and visit every once and a while too."

Emma meowed cheerfully in response, almost as if she could understand what he was saying. Corbyn pressed his nose to the kitten's cold and wet one.

"Take the fricking cat with you gosh darn it!" Rosemary groaned. She was never a big fan of Emma, and Corbyn never knew why.

"Why? It's all we will have that's a part of Corbyn for the next four years!" Ivy exclaimed.

"I do NOT like that cat. I will not associate my son with that DEMON CAT." Rosemary exclaimed. Corbyn was a little hurt by his mother's words.

"Hey! Emma isn't a demon! She's sweet!" Corbyn said, covering the tiny cat's ears. Ivy nodded along with him.

"Ro, since when did you hold this grudge against the cat?" Ivy asked.

"Since forever." Rosemary sighed.

"Whatever. Don't worry babygirl, Ivy is here to take care of you." Ivy cooed as the cat nuzzled her head into her hand.

"Hey honey, you better get going to the airport. The flight leaves in two hours and it's an hour drive." Rosemary said. Corbyn nodded.

"I'll finish eating and then I will go." Corbyn said, stuffing scrambled eggs into his mouth. This was the last breakfast that he was going to have with his family for a long time, so he wanted to make it count.


Corbyn stepped onto the plane and found that he had the window seat. He saw a blob out of the corner of his eye sit down and sigh. He turned his head to see a father and his daughter.

"Daddy," Corbyn heard the little girl say, "I miss papaw."

"I do too hun, I do too." He said. Corbyn realized that he knew these people.

"Jonah? Lily?" Corbyn asked. The two looked at him and beamed into a smile.

"Well if it isn't Corbyn Besson!" Jonah said. Lily giggled.

"How have you guys been?" Corbyn asked. Jonah sighed.

"It's been rough lately now that Daniel's gone." We both miss him so much. Jonah sighed. Daniel had recently died while fighting for the country. He was in the Air Force, and his plane had been hit by a missile while his radars were malfunctioning. Everyone in the family had been devastated to hear the news, but they were all so proud of him for what he had done for the country.

"I'm sorry about your loss. I miss him too." Corbyn sighed. Lily started to tear up.

"I really miss Papaw, Daddy" Lily sniffled.

"I know hun, but it'll get better." He reassured his daughter. She nodded and wiped her tears on her sweater sleeves.

"Lily, you're getting so big!" Corbyn commented to lighten the mood. Lily broke back into a smile.

"Show him how many you are." Jonah said softly to her. She held up six fingers.

"Six!? Already!?" Corbyn exclaimed. She giggled and nodded. I

"They grow up so fast!" Corbyn said with that excited/shocked tone not leaving his voice.

"I know. I don't know I'm gonna be able to cope with her growing up." He sighed. Corbyn placed his hand on Jonah's shoulder.

"It'll be okay. I know being a single father is hard, and you're afraid of her growing up, and you're afraid of trying something new, but it's just a part of life." Corbyn reassured him. Jonah wiped a stray tear from his face and nodded gently.

"Besides, you still got someone to call you daddy." Corbyn joked. Jonah punched his arm and the plane took off.


Corbyn stepped out of the plane and into the tunnel that would lead him to his future for the next four years. He tugged what little he had brought with him behind him in his rolling suitcase and texted his moms that he had landed safely. His trumpet swinging by his side and his golf bag just managing not to fall off of his rolling suitcase where it was neatly balanced.

The airport was hella busy for such a small, low quality building. He found his way through the crowd of people rushing into gates and out of gates and headed out the door.

He called an Uber to take him to campus and sat down on a bench outside of the airport. The cold autumn air swept through his soft bleach-blonde hair, causing the young boy to shiver. The smell of grass filled Corbyn's nose. He looked around to find the cause of the soothing smell, and found a lawnmower going around the perimeter of the airport. He sighed and began to tap his frigid fingers on his leg.

Minutes later the Uber arrived. Corbyn got in the passengers seat after setting his things in the back.

"Kansas University campus please." Corbyn said. The driver started the engine and the car began to move.

"Ahh, you're a KU student? Man I woulda loved to go to KU but my family said that I'd be better off in a community college." The man said. Corbyn nodded to show that he was following.

"My moms almost sent me to Kentucky, but I got a scholarship for KU and they let me go after a lot of convincing." Corbyn said.

"Well good for you man. I see ya got an instrument and a set of clubs back there. Which one ya got the scholarship for?" He asked. Corbyn chuckled a bit.

"Actually, for both."

"Really? That's cool! I didn't know I'd be driving around a prodigy today!" The man laughed.

"I wouldn't call me a prodigy, more of a slightly talented nineteen year old." Corbyn shrugged.

"Nineteen huh? You a freshman?"

"Yes sir I am." Corbyn stated.

"That's cool," the driver said as he parked the car, "be safe out there kiddo. There's some real jerks in this day and age. You best be going now, I don't wanna make you late."

"Thank you sir." Corbyn said. He grabbed his things and the Uber pulled away.

Now to find his form...


Hey guys!
I wonder who's actually reading this...
OH BOY do I have a lot in store for you!
Yes, that's a NateWantsToBattle and Markiplier reference.
If you got it then we need to be best friends.
As I was saying,
There is a lot planned for the future of this book!
Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you...
In the next video.
Bye Bye!

Chocolate Frosty ~ JarbynWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt