Chapter 1

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Right now I'm wasted, have no idea where the fuck I spent the night but all I know is whoever's house this is is more superior to me in terms of the ching department. I also feel like I should never in my right senses show my face at school ever again, why you may ask? The answer is simple and fucked up.


Once upon a time in a land far away, shit jokes. When I Torean Lee Mckennely entered highschool I was a loner in disguise - people pretended to be my friends cause I have money and tonnes of it. So instead of sticking with the crowd of fake friends I started a squad called "Bugatti Bitches." This squad was for the black heavy hit chicks of the school who felt the same way I did when I entered highschool.

It was just the three of us against the population - Chloe a.k.a Trix, Talia a.k.a Qt(no idea why she picked that name though) and of course the Queen B of the group me a.k.a Tsquared. Of course our squad had haters but we didn't care. That was until the Ice Queen - Mindy Herbert got into Chloe's head and got her to get Bradley - my boyfriend(not that much of a loss) - to cheat on me.

Mindy and I have a huge rivalry thing going on which none of us will ever be able to end any time soon, who would end a rivalry with the bitch who got your twin to commit suicide and blames you for it? Nobody right. I used to think she knew that it was her fault but recent 'conversations' say otherwise.

Instead of being a good little snitch and exposing her as the all time motherfucking bitch that she totally is I decided to keep it to myself cause nobody would want all that hate coming their way, trust me I've watched a lot of highschool movies to know.

Back to the point - the main reason I'm drunk off my ass and so disoriented, lost and sad is because she was my bestie for 5 good years and she decides to stab me in the back when we're about to finish highschool. I thought we were friends but then Chloe decides to betray me in the worst way possible, with my boyfriend!

Do you know how hard it was for me to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from my face having seen my boyfriend and my best friend in that compromising position. What makes it worse is that she actually gave me an evil smirk when she had managed to cover up instead of at least looking apologetic.

So before I indulge your senses with the story of your life I am the lost vampire queen or at least the reincarnation of Dracula's bride. My parents have known since birth because along with me a soldier brought with him a ring - which I later made the signature look for the Bugatti Bitches - I customised so that it would be black with the words T.squared engraved in diamonds, my sister had the same one with different engravings. They are there to protect us from the sun.

Get ready for the ride of your life that is my life and it's unexpected twists and turns.


I made my way to my shiny black Bugatti and got in making my way to Brad's house of for my surprise - of course having gained some flirty looks from the boys and hateful glares from the girls, but I wouldn't judge cause what I am in right now would make the devil say "Jesus! Take me now!" I was wearing a blood red crop top with a black leather skirt and matching black Nike's. I shall forever wear Nike - with a few exceptions.

We hit the elevator right up to the roof top

I am in love with this song so much it kills me it just makes me wanna dance and the beat is just so lively.

I just wanna have fun tonight ooh ohh ooh oh

Who do you think you are?.

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