Chapter 3 Hopeless Devotion

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     "Hey babe. Want to go get some food?" Brett growled, trying to see through the crack in the door. I slammed it shut.

     "Well, actually I-" one look at Bretts icy expression told me that it wasn't a question, it was a command. I gave him the best smile I could muster. "Sure honey. Let me just get my jacket. I began to turn when he grabbed my arm and spun me around. He licked his finger and wiped off a little bit of the cover-up on my cheek, revealing the rosy mark. His fingers traced it.

     "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me last night. I just lost it." This was the problem with our relationship. He knew how to keep me in his palm. He leaned in and kissed me with a lot of force. we leaned against the door and kissed each other until we felt it open behind us. I pulled away quickly and whipped around. Aaron stood in the door frame, frozen, with a steely expression. Brett nodded a hello in Aaron's direction, but he just stood there and glared. I kissed Brett on the cheek and ran in the room to get my jacket. Nash glared at me.

     "Not cool, Elliott." I rolled my eyes and left the room, feeling the anger build up as Brett put his arm around me and walk away. It wasn't fair of them to treat me like I was doing something wrong. All I did was kiss my boyfriend. I didn't need to hear shit from Nash about it. I got in Brett's backseat, like he asked me to. We had a full on make out session, but all I could think of was Aaron's face when he saw us. In that moment, I realized that somehow I had started to fall for Aaron.

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