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Erica POV

I can't believe that just happened! I feel so humiliated. I was sitting in the dressing room crying my eyes out in my robe I changed into.

"Erica? Are you okay?" I heard from behind me. I didn't look back just up at the mirror. It was her.

"What do you want?" my voice was cold as ice maybe even colder.

"I wanted to check and see if you were alright." she looked hurt by my words.

"Oh yeah like you care! I bet you planned the whole thing! You never drank the drink I gave you did you?" she shook her head.

"You gave it to Jay! Didn't you! I can't believe I even tried to be nice to you! You were suppose to drink it so I could win and you would be in my position! But no you just had to ruin everything didn't you! bitch! This is my ball! You don't even want to do this! You're just here because your mom made you! You don't deserve to win I do!" All my anger exploded. She didn't look phased. She actually looked like she was about to laugh.

"If you have to do that to me, you still wouldn't have won. The winner shouldn't be fake. The girl that wins should be happy if anyone else won. That girl is not you. You tried to sabotage me and I almost fell for it. I didn't give Jay the drink Cole did. He was the one who told me not to drink it. Everyone along with me have been fooled by this act you've been playing. You don't deserve to win." I couldn't believe what she was saying. I should win I'm the best! She's just jealous right?

"Oh and you do?" I shot back.

"I never said that. Hell it would be a miracle if I won. But someone who isn't a fake bitch should win." I just stood there not knowing what to do or say. She stormed out and left me there. I couldn't believe what just happened. This must be a nightmare right?

Rachel's POV

And people wonder why I don't have many female friends. I couldn't believe her. She tried to do so much to me and to think I trusted her.

"Hey you alright?" Cole appeared. I nodded trying not to let my crackling voice give me away. I was hurt and if I talked about it I would have broken down.

"Alright well there about to announce miss Deauville." (note: Deauville is the town name) we walked over to where everyone was. There were girls who looked like they were gonna crack. I sat in my chair and played on my phone. I looked up to see Trevor and Jenna holding hands and every other girl pacing back and forth.

I looked back down and continued to play flappy bird. Then all I heard was applause. My arm was pulled and I was dragged on stage.

"Rachel would you like to say a few words?" My mother asked with a huge grin. I kinda guess it wasn't a question since my mother moved from the microphone before I could decline.

"Um thanks and drive safely." I went down the stairs swiftly before my mother could scold me. I took off the tiara and sash and placed them on Cole.

"Thanks if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have won. You deserve these. You are now the new miss Deauville." I tried to hold in my laughter.

"You look so pretty." I burst out laughing. He gave me a death glare.

"Oh this is funny right? So funny!" I nodded to his questions and laughed. He reached to grab me and lifted me off the floor.

"Hey Rach...." I stopped laughing and Cole immediately placed me down.

"Hey Travis." I smiled at him.

"You looked beautiful out there. You did great." Before I could say thanks Cole placed my tiara and sash on me then disappeared.

"Um yeah thanks." I was sad cole left but didn't want to show my disappointment.

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