Part 1: awakening

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Ozpin's pov
His office
Two weeks before the Vytel festival

I was standing with my back to my door looking out the window and down at the courtyard. I heard the distinct chime of the bell from the elevator

Me: ah, miss Goodwitch, I'm glad that you could come at such short notice

I said as I took a seat at my desk and motioned for her to do the same. She walked over to the desk and just stood behind the chair

Goodwitch: of course, what did you need?

She asked in her usual serious tone

Me: well I think it might be time to wake up my...old friend from his thousand year nap

I said nonchalantly. Her eyes widened for a second before she coughed and regained her composure

Goodwitch: are you sure that's a good idea? And why would you?

Me: I can feel Salem's power growing, she's going to attack...soon, I can feel it. He might be our only hope

She sighed and adjusted her glasses

Goodwitch: I'll trust your judgement but that doesn't mean I like it

She said sternly. I stood up and walked to the elevator and pressed a button

Me: let's go

I said with a smirk as she just groaned in annoyance and followed me into the elevator

Time skip, brought to you by the letter 'V'

We left the elevator and walked into a long dark room. The room was bare except for one thing, a black coffin that was standing up against the back wall. I approached it and picked up a crowbar that had been lying next to it. I wedged it into the slit that ran along that sides of the box, I pulled with all of my might and yanked the lid off of the coffin. Glynda gasped and I smirked as we saw him. He was tall with (h/c) hair and pale skin, He was wearing a cross around his neck that was keeping him from waking up. I grabbed the cross in my hands and looked towards my assistant

Me: are you ready?

She nodded without saying anything and placed a hand onto her weapon. I slowly slid of the cross and placed it into my pocket. His eyes opened revealing blood red irises, he gasped and fell to the floor before looking up with a hand on his temple

Y/N: who are y-

He sniffed the air and smirked before he started chuckling. He stood up

Y/N: looks like I'm not the only immortal here, isn't that right king of Vale?

Me: please, I go by Ozpin now

He nodded and sighed

Y/N: so I suppose you woke me up to be your vampiric servant?

I shook my head with a chuckle

Me: no, I'm not looking for a servant I want an ally

He looked at me with dumbfounded look as he stretched his arms

Y/N: I suppose so, but answer me this, how long have I been asleep?

I sighed

Me: you've been asleep for over a thousand years

He sighed softly in understanding before nodding

Y/N: I see, so I suppose humans won

Me: not quite, Salem still lives, but to my knowledge your the last vampire. But Salem grows stronger each day, I'm not sure if we can fight her on our own, so that's why I'm asking for your help, and I mean it when I say 'asking' if you want to leave I won't stop you, all I would ask is that you don't hurt my students

Goodwitch: Ozpin, what are you doing!?!

I held my hand up

Me: it's alright miss Goodwitch

He thought for a few seconds before nodding

Y/N: very well and I suppose I did promise that I would grant a request

Me: excellent, now follow me, you'll be staying with one of the teams here at beacon

Y/N'S pov

I nodded and followed him to a small room that started to go upwards after the doors magically closed

Time skip, brought to you by Chibi y/n pressing every button on in the elevator and Goodwitch yelling at him

We stepped out of the magic box and I was led to a corridor full of doors with numbers on them. We eventually stopped at one and 'Ozpin' as he preferred to be called knocked on it. The door opened revealing a short girl with a red cloak

Red: oh hey professor's, Who's this?

She asked curiously whilst looking up at me

Ozpin: this is (Y/N), he's a foreign exchange student from Mistral

I placed my right hand on my stomach and bowed

Me: it's a pleasure to meet you

She smiled up at me

Red: you too, I'm Ruby by the way Ruby Rose

I nodded

Me: it's good to meet you miss Rose

Ozpin: (Y/N) is going to be joining your team, I hope that's okay with you?

She nodded excitedly

Ruby: of course, after all strangers are just friends you haven't meet yet!

She said as she opened the door for me

Ozpin: good to hear. And (Y/N), please see me in my office in the morning, if you need help finding it I'm sure one of your new teammates would be willing to lend a hand

He said as him and Goodwitch left. I nodded and entered the room with Ruby, who immediately jumped in front of me and held her arms out like she was presenting me

Ruby: hey gang, this is (Y/N), the newest addition to team RWBY!

She jumped over to the blonde one who was sitting on a bed

Ruby: this is Yang, my sister

Yang: hey hot stuff

She said with a smirk. Ruby then climbed up onto the white haired ones bed

Ruby: this is Weiss, my best friend!

Weiss: don't call me that you dunce

Ruby then pointed at the cat Faunus who was clearly hiding it

Ruby: and that's Blake, the mysterious one

Blake: yeah, that pretty much sums me up

She said as she turned a page in her book that she hadn't looked up from

I bowed once again with a smile

Me: it's a pleasure to meet all of you

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