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one and only

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one and only


Nickname:  [Please state who calls the character by this nickname]

Age: [Pay attention the the ages mentioned in the previous chapter]




Face claim: [Does not have to be an idol although I prefer idols]

Back up face claim: [In case the first one is taken]


Back story: [Include anything that made your character who they are; Be detailed]




Relationships: [Name, age, occupation, closeness]

let me in

Personality: [ Should expand on the points listed in the last chapter]

Blood type:

Trivia: [Include random facts about your character, can be anything from allergies to piercings to pets]

Likes: [Min 5]

Dislikes: [Min 5]


Slot / position: [Refer back to the last chapter]

Stage name: [Can be the same as their actual name]

# of years a trainee:

Life as a trainee: [Talk about what they went though, friends the made, difficulties and any injuries they acquired]

Predebut single + location: [Choose a song that your character well release as her predebut single; also include a location anywhere in the world where she filmed her MV]

Scandal: [Can be anything from a drug scandal to bullying scandal; explain what happened and how your character reacted]

you and me together

Love interest: [Any male or female idol you'd like]

Current relationship: [Are they strangers, friend, close friends etc..]

How they meet/ met:

His/her Personality:

How they act around each other:

Requested scenes: [For both your love interest and the group]


I know this is long but please try to be as detailed as possible. Please fill this out nearly and carefully. If you're unsure about anything feel free to ask. Also PLEASE send the form via pastebin send if you can't you can PM it here on Wattpad.

The deadline is March 10th

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