Chapter 3

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Taehyung loved kids. Everyone who were familiar with the vibrant fellow knew that so it wasn't that big of a surprise when they got to know that he was the first one to volunteer for children's daycare programme in his college.

"Man! I'm suuuper excited!",Taehyung yelled out of nowhere,banging a fist on the table, alarming Jimin who sitting beside him.

"Oh my god, I almost choked on my food,"Jimin cried out while Jungkook who had been sitting there with the two was cackling like it was funniest event of the millennium.

"It's been two years and I still can't get used to your outbursts,Tae," Jungkook spilled in between his laughter.

"I don't even have to ask whether it's about the volunteering programme."

"Come on, why can't you guys join me? I'm the only one who's a participant for the programme out of all the second year students," he whined.

"We're scholarship students unlike you, we have to do stuff like everyday and plus, kids are kinda hard to take care of, you know?" answered Jimin.

"I agree," finished Jungkook, swinging an arm over Jimin's shoulder.

"Whatever you say," Taehyung pouted, picking up his leftover food and walking over to the trash can to dump it.

"Cheer up! We'll come visit you at work," Jungkook yelled behind him, Jimin waving,crazily.

He gave them with a killer wink.

"I'm nervous. Are they gonna like me?? Will they hate me or something? What do I do if-", Taehyung got interrupted from his babbling.

"Yo just shut up, they're just children, it's not like they're going to eat you up",a third year student who volunteered, stopped him from his wild thoughts.
"You're going to do great,Taehyung"

Both of them got along well despite not being that close.

"Thanks,Yoongi. That helped." He said, fiddling with the hem of his overpriced Gucci shirt.
Yoongi gave him a gummy smile.

"Now let's enter,shall we? You've been fidgeting outside for a whole 15 minutes."

"Whoops, sorry."

After Taehyung had opened the door he was greeted with the sight of a colourful room with stickers and pictures all over the walls. Lots of small kindergarteners were laying down on a big mat in a circle.
There was a short,middle aged woman in the middle,telling them what seemed to be like a story and the children listened with the greatest interest. They didn't seem to notice them entering.

He forgot all the worries that had once went through his mind and greeted the children with a big smile.

The toddlers looked up at the two men with annoyance who had interrupted the story but it changed when one of the men took out a packet of candy.
The woman smiled at them, got up and slowly trotted upto them.

"It's good to see you,young men. My name's Martha," she told them,her slight dimples turned prominent whenever she smiled.

"Good afternoon, Martha. I'm Yoongi and this is Taehyung. We've taken up the offer to take care of the children," he said politely.

"I got the emails from your college today. I'm so forgetful! I completely forgot that you students were coming today," she apologized to them.

"Its quite alright! You can call me Tae,Martha. And we're so pumped to meet the kids,"he said,sparkling.

Martha giggled.
"You're going to be exhausted when you leave, these kids are topped with never ending energy."

"You're in luck because we have Tae here who's a kid at heart in his big body," Yoongi said pointing at Taehyung, who just grinned at both of them.

"Mrs.Martha,who're these people?" asked a boy, standing up and inspecting them with curious eyes. The other group of kids peered at them from his side.

Martha then walked over to them and gestured the two college students to come next to her.

"You better get used to these two young men because they're going to be here for a while,Hyunbin. Don't scare them away just yet."

"Thee can counteth on me.",replied the said Hyunbin with a cheeky smile.

The second after those words left his mouth,Yoongi turned towards Taehyung with a 'I-regret-my-life' face.
Taehyung elbowed him and continued listening to the lady.

The woman just gave out a puff of air.
"Hyunbin is kind of-"

"Crazy?",Yoongi interrupted,which gained him another elbow to his gut.

"Too smart for his age,"she finished,glancing at the said boy who went off to read a book at the moment.

"That's nothing we can't handle! We love children.
Don't we,Yoongi?" Taehyung exclaimed, not wanting to cause a bad impression on them.

"Yeah,totally," came his apathetic voice.
Martha didn't seem very convinced but just moved on.

"So Yoongi and Tae,I have an engagement somewhere so I'll leave the daycare to you boys," said the woman,walking over to a locker and grabbing a worn out bag.

"Of course,Martha! We'll take care of the place. Don't worry," rushed out Taehyung to the woman who had already left giving a quick goodbye.

"Mrs.Martha will be leaving now,little ones! These two young men will continue with the story,"she told the children.

The room soon echoed with whines and 'bye-byes' from the toddlers who fell silent after the short woman made her exit.

"Are you going to stand there with the candy or just give it to us," one of the boys questioned and a chorus of agreement came from everywhere.

Yoongi faceplamed.

"Why're you like that when you signed up for this yourself?" the younger student asked him.

"Extra credits. A teacher offered to give me credits if I volunteered,"Yoongi voiced out,unabashed.

"That's very Yoongi-like," he commented and turned towards the children who were staring at them.

"So which one of you would like to eat this first!?" Taehyung cried out, waving a single piece of candy in the air.

Soon he was swept away with a wave of desperate children.

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