Chapter 1

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Cora POV

I ran as fast as I could through the woods. I didn't stop to look back because if I did I would have surely been eaten. It was gaining on my and I was starting to panic. A flash of white and a guild mark. I don't know who it was but they had saved my life. From that moment on I knew what I wanted to do. Running away was not an option. I needed to continue training.

12 years later...

"I can't get this spell right!" I yelled in frustration as I sat on the ground. I put my hands on my head and rubbed my temples. "I've been at it for hours!!" I should probably introduce myself. My name is Coraline but most people call me Cora. I am 16 and I am very short. I have long brown hair and bright blue eyes. If you couldn't tell already I am a wizard. A sun dragon slayer to be exact. My dragon Burn left me about 7 years ago. I've been alone ever since. Except for my best friend.

"It's ok Cora you'll get it adventually" said Tiger while flying around my head. Tiger is a golden exceed with brown stripes. Basically he looks like a gold tiger. "Just try again" he insisted. I sighed and stood up.

"SUN DRAGON ROAR" I yelled as a burst of golden flames shot out of my mouth and engulfed the wooden dummy I had been practicing on. "I did it!" I yelled as I high fived- well high pawed Tiger. "Um.. Cora? The fire..."


After a long day of training Tiger and I walked home. Its not much of a home but at least its something. I small wooden house outside of Fiore by the guild I wanted to join. Its name is Fairy Tail, the best guild ever in my opinion anyway. I was saved by them when I was little and I owe them. I heard they have 3 dragon slayers like me! I sat up in bed suddenly. "Tiger" I said while poking him "Wake up!" "Hmm?" he said drowsily. "I've made my desicion. We are visiting Fairy Tail tomorrow."


Short first chapter sorry! I hope you all enjoy this book!


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