It started...

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     Fuck...this is not not today! Not now, please stop JUST STOP Allyson yells into the cool morning air...Allyson rummages in her large very genuine Kline handbag looking for the pills the doctor told her would read ease her delusions...Stupid ass doctor...I can see the whatever the hell they are...I'm not making it up how the hell do you make up a memory? Delusion my skinny waistline and perfect tan...shrinks are just over paid Chameleons. Finding the valium, she takes two. At least they work fast. As the pills take affect Allyson soon forgets she was having a delusion, that is what her Psychiatrist thinks they are anyway. Putting on the earphones she turns her iPad up full volume to better hear the hard rock she can't listen to in front of her dad...sick motherfucker I hate him. I just wish I knew why I do so much, I mean he is a sweetheart and he is so loving to me...still, I hate the S.O.B. she rolls her eyes I'll be so glad to get as far away from "sir dad" as I possibly can get. she says under her breath. Wondering why she both loves and detest him. He really is caring. Still I wish that bastard was dead! She puts on her favorite metal music the band MINISTRY...She turns the pulsating music up as loud as it can go drowning out even the sirens she never pays attention too. She starts humming along with the music "The... the, the mind is a terrible thing...terrible thing to waste" She hums along oblivious to the building delusion that will soon have her screaming and on her knees in tears. If only that was all it was, a delusion. As it starts ripping thru her mind and goes thru the very core of her sanity Allyson remains clueless and unfortunately for her, helpless to the pending danger. The delusions, you see, have a name it is Azatlean Grogin and he has finally found her, thanks to her musical taste. As the next song starts to play "never believe" she stops dead in her tracks. She grabs her head as she is gripped in a torment that she has not felt before now. "What is happen...she never finishes the sentence. Ripping at her throat she starts to growl and snap her teeth like a rabid dog and her eyes blaze green then blue. She falls onto all four and snaps at the passers bye. They just shake their heads as they exclaim "Poor, poor girl, you really need to leave the drugs alone." Allyson trembles in a numbing fear. She is very aware of what is happening, yet it is out of her hands to control...she is helpless against the onslaught in her mind. She does not understand why she is acting like a dog on PCP and crack. This has never happened before. She thinks to herself I would rather be a dog then have that freak in my head screaming at me again. She finishes the thought just seconds before she hears her delusion scream at her "I told you I would find you Rhemi!! I told you if you crossed me I would kill you, bitch" Allyson gets up and starts running screaming "Leave me alone, leave me alone, you're not real! get out of my head" Allyson cannot understand what is really happening. After all it is just a bad dream, a case of nerves, her period going haywire, the meds she takes, the teacher she fucked to get an A, the pot she smoked 4 years ago, she desperately wanted it to be anything but what was really taking place.

      Rhemi walks out of the clearing. A ghost, a shadow, the wind...nothing more. He must act quickly before Azatlean has a chance to harm his twin sister, Allyson. They are connected between time and place at the same time they are worlds away from each other, dimensions if you will. Siblings that should never have been possible, that should never have been divided by Mirkana, their mother. That was before the spell was cast. Before the time was right, it was the only way they could remain safe. It was a mothers undying devotion and love that saved them. It was because of the oath Azatlean Grodin had sworn on, an oath that Rhemi and Allyson would never take power, he would see them burn in the deepest, darkest, hottest flame filled chasms of Catlynian first. That was the before, the festival of queens, the winter of seasons harvest and this? This is real, this is now and Allyson cannot stop this happening. The wheels cannot stop spinning they were set into motion ages ago and these moments must play out, until either Rhemi and Allyson are dead, or Azatlean Grodin and David Montgomery are dead. David is just as blind to Azatlean as Allyson is. She does not know that David, her father is Azatlean's Brother... just as evil and psychotic. Not only are they brothers they also swore the same oath to kill Rhemi and Allyson. He cannot remember certain aspects of his life that happened before his accident, they are linked just as sure as Rhemi and Allyson are, Just as surely as Azatlean is going to kill Allyson. Rhemi invades Allyson's mind...pushing away the evil that has found its way into her consciousness. He starts humming with a low, guttural, animal growl...Forcing Azatlean to withdraw. He screams one final "I am not going to forget you stupid bitch that you tried to kill me...Your fucki..." his voice vanishes from her mind as Rhemi's guttural growl forces him to retreat. Rhemi wishes she knew how to bridge the forever, it will only let her interact with her sister this way. Rhemi begins to hum, it is the humming that is easing Allyson's pain soothing an already way to fragile of a mind. Allyson finally slows to almost a walk, she turns the music off and as soon as she does the pain she felt is gone and she can see Rhemi clearly in her mind. She hears now a familiar voice, a friend's voice. One she's always been aware of but never really paid attention to. She did now. She thought to herself asking "who are you? How do you know me?" "My name is Rhemi Mistwalker and I am your sister, you are my twin. Please do not be alarmed or run screaming again as that won't do a bit of good, and might break a nail, what would the neighbors say? Can you imagine the gossip? Giggling like the dork she is. Rhemi jokes "You know, we would make a hell of a good act in the circus I really bet we could scare the piss out of adults" Allyson thought about it...yeah, I would like that. Speaking of adults that I can't stand but at the same time love, I want to know you know why I hate my dad, yet I can't think why I would feel like that, I mean he hasn't done anything to me. He's always been so loving to me. I just feel he's killing me slowly. Hurting me, you know?" Rhemi thought and answered slowly "I know why but I can't tell you just yet. My owner was doing the same to me ever since I was 6 also. I can't understand it just yet, when I figure it out I will fill you in. What I do now right now I have just learned recently learned that your father and my piece of garbage that you burn, the one in your head that threatens you, Me and you and some woman named Mirkana are all linked. The man the one that says he is going to kill you, well his name is Azatlean Grodin...he thinks that you are me. He calls you Rhemi. He is a brutal and very dangerous man. Your father and he are linked the way that me and you are. Don't ask me to explain I can't because I just don't know right now"

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