Mirkana Mistwalker

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      Where in the holy mages hell did I put that collar? What am I to do...I need my lucky collar...I can't be seen in public without it especially on this night, tonight and I must look my best...if I don't have my collar I can't be at my party...no self-respecting wolf girl would ever be caught in public without her collar. It was then that Mirkana felt the beginnings of the memory, the dream. Mirkana sensed the dream coming on...she has had them before. She has been having them ever since she was just a cub, she was 6 when they started. She falls to the floor contorting from the seizure. She knows it will last for about half an hour to forty-five minutes and the worst part is she knows what she will be witnessing. Mirkana would gladly kill that girl's father, the one she sees in her dream. Mirkana does not know that the girl she sees in her visions is Allyson, her sister. Nor does she know that David will be the one that is responsible for killing her cub. Hate can only go so far and right now it would not matter if Mirkana knew, she hates David enough as it is. Mirkana thinks back to what her doctor had told her and growls worse. "What you are experiencing Mirkana is a kind of self-induced collision between reality and your fictitious thoughts" fucker was telling me I was crazy, I should have ripped his throat out. That was her last thought before the memory took full control. Mirkana had put the leather strap into her mouth just in time...Mirkanas mind gave way to the mirror image of what David was doing to Allyson. Mirkana growled angrily and snapped at the air. The scenes floating before her eyes of Allyson and her father hurting his daughter was driving Mirkana to the brink of insanity. She could not fight the feeling that somehow these were not just visions. The thought angered her even worse.

Mirkana is dangerous. Very dangerous. Mirkana is also an assassin just like her sister Rhemi. Mirkana is a changeling. She is an Alpha wolf. There were not many alpha wolf that were female, yet against everything plausible there was Mirkana. There was a time when Mirkana did not know that she was a changeling. She could not have imagined that she would become so ruthless, a killer, and she would like it as much as she did. She prided herself on her empathy and loving gentleness. That was before she attacked her own townspeople. That was before Azatlean Grodin had tormented her into attacking those nearest her. She had killed, in the most gruesome ways, 3 of her closest friends. She did not know that someone else was controlling her mind. She knows now and has vowed that Azatlean will die at her paws, slowly. Mirkana thinks back to the days she was just a small pup. She barely can remember two others that were just like her. Flashes of David hurting Allyson flash into Mirkana's mind mixed with Azatlean screaming at Allyson. Mirkana thinks to herself "should I kill David first and make Azatlean watch? or should I kill Azatlean first and make David watch?" She howls in a tormented hateful way. It doesn't matter they both will die. There are very few that can rival her skill as an assassin...she has killed some that others had sworn she would never be able to...they were all men and all deserved to die. Her technique was based on sexual perversion from the males in her world. There were a few good men in her world, but for the most part the men were pussies that needed to be enslaved.

She had a technique to get close to her victim she would pretend to be a 12-year-old little girl who wanted an adult to fuck her. Stupid ,piece of shit men, they always would say "yes" ...they deserved to die. She would get the men to want her then she would ask them if they knew of a place where they could be alone. They would suggest just about anywhere that was dirty and disgusting, fucking pathetic she would think to herself and know that killing them was a favor and Mirkana would give them that favor. She would fuck them until they started to orgasm, then she would pull their face to hers and kiss them then with a very wicked laugh she would ask them was she good. They always said yes but what they didn't know is that she was really asking them did they wanted her to kill them. They would tell her yes and with a sadistic and psychotic laugh she would grab their hair and tell them "O.K.  if you say so" she would then take the hidden knife from her stocking and run it across their throats. She would make sure the cut was  deep. Very deep and from ear to ear. She would grab their hair and while holding their head so that she was looking into their eyes, she would start laughing telling them "Your a stupid male, if you didn't want so bad to bed me you might have a few more minutes of life. I was merciful, I let you fuck me first" She lets the blood poor over her. It makes her feel like she did something worthwhile. When the blood stops spurting onto her she gets up and spits on the man before she grabs the nearby towel and vigorously washes the scent of another man's blood off her. Mirkana had had a great hatred and mistrust towards all men. She did not know why but it started when she was 6, she only wishes she could remember. 

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