Life With The Parkers

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As I sat on the old, humble chair, which might I add is desperatley seeking repair, I glance around the small room. It was a Friday, period 5, which meant that school was almost out, it also so happens to be the last day of this long semester before the schools shuts for summer vacation. The vibe given off from all these sweaty bodies is pretty incredible considering the fact that throughout the entire week leading up to this moment no body has even given a toss about school finally being over with, well now its a different story all together.  Everywhere you look there is some sort of chaos being conducted, kids jumping on and off tables, doors being slammed, lockers being flung open and trash cans being scattered all down the lengthly corridors. If you picture a stereotypical image of an American high school and times the destruction by 10, you still wouldn't be close to what this looks like. My school was mad!  It literally looks like a zoo has combusted and the animas have all gone wonder our school is nicknamed 'Wildebeasts'. Well that's West Shore High for you, home of the crazies and probably one of the most un controlled schools in the entire exsistence of schooling.

In all honesty, I feel sorry for the poor janitors, their job is supposedly ending in under a few hours, but with this mess, well I wouldn't doubt they will have to take an extra week off their own vacation just to make this place look even slightly presentable by the time everyone returns to this hell hole at the start of next semester...not that i plan on returning anyway.

No, infact i'm being dragged half way across the country to go stay with my godfather and his family in Malibu, LA, whilst in the mean time, my dearest mother ditches me to go travel all the way around the world having the time of her life with her new found boyfriend, who in her eyes holds a higher importance than her own daughter. So much for "family comes first" pfft yeah right! I know I shouldn't complain, I mean raising a teenager daughter when you are a single parent is a lot of hard work and I am grateful for her efforts but its like ever since she met Jerry (her new loverboy) she doesn't even have 10 minutes to spare or hang out with me.

We used to be really close when I was younger, but that was when dad was around. My dad died in a car accident when I was only 12 years old and ever since that dreadful day my mom has never been able to look me in the eye, apparently i'm too much of a reminder of him, and she can't handle the pain well enough, but i know thats just her trying to say nicely that she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. 

My dad was the most amazing man I ever knew, he was a professional singer and was always making people laugh and smile with joy. He loved my mom deeply, everything he did was to make us happy and feel loved. My dad was and still remains my idol because he showed me what life was really about, he created all the memories I hold precious today and even though he is not here standing strong with me today, he showed me that no matter what happens he will always be with me in my heart.  Without dad everthing has fallen to pieces and my family no longer function as a family. Since dad passed away, mom has struggled a great deal, eventually she turnt to other men to try and find a replacement for dad since the loneliness was overtaking her.

At first, I didn't blame her as I knew that if I was hurting this much from loosing my dad, she must be hurting so much more as she lost her beloved husband who she cared about dearly, however, as time progressed, it was clear that these men were not interested in her well being or becoming a family which we both so desperatley needed. When she finally felt brave enough to introdce me to them, they would either leave her heartbroken or on one occasion, a guy named Martin even tried to persuade her to put me up for addoption so they could start fresh-i always hated that guy anyway. It was obvious that the love my mum was offering was only a one way thing yet my mom was blinded by her love for the guys and coul not see this. After several attempts to move on from my dad, she realised that I was just an annoyance in her life and I guess it's safe to say that's another reason as to why she doesnt want me around anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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