Thomas x Reader 3: Blue Cadillac Diner (Nowhere Boy/50s & 60s Inspired)

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I recently watched Nowhere Boy and Thomas was so amazing in it, I thought I should write a chapter taking place with you and him in the late 50s early 60s. Hope it's not to horrible. (*****Oh and smut warning**** if you don't want to read that part, there will be a place that tells you where it ends) Damn I really need to make shorter intros. Anyway enjoy!

The bell rang as class ended. You were currently a junior at Eastwood High, and there was going to be a performance at the Hyde Park Drive-In. You wanted to go, but you didn't have your license, probably the only Junior who didn't have one.
At lunch, you sat outside with your group of friends. They wouldn't stop talking about the Drive-In Performance. About which boys they were taking, and what kind of car they had. You finally just blurted out without thinking, "I would go, but don't have a date or a way to get there." Your friends froze and stared at you, in shock. You were one of the best looking students at school, although, you didn't believe it.
"I'll take you. Y/N." Your friend, Sandy insisted. "Really? Are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble for you." You stayed looking at your best friend. "Sure! You know I'm here for you!" Sandy said happily, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Okay." You agreed as you smiled and hugged her tightly as you both, along with the rest of your friends squealed and giggled in excitement.
Sandy would pick you up at 6. The performance would end at 6:30, then at 7, there would be a movie. You were unsure if you would stay for the movie or just go hang out with friends. Your curfew was 9, so you had to be home at 8:30 at the latest.
You looked at the clock in your room, next to the poster of Marilyn Monroe. The time said 5:57. You were already ready and said goodbye to your parents as you walked out the door and into Sandy's cherry-red Chevy, as you two drove away.
You both arrived at the drive-in at 6:10, Sandy found a parking spot a few cars away from the stage. You had a good view none the less. You got out and sat on the hood of the car, swinging your legs as the next act came on stage.
Your attention immediately went to a boy, about your age, or a little older. He had dark brown eyes, to match his dark brown hair, which was was parted slightly to the side, and came to a curl at the top. You were so busy focusing on his perfect features, you didn't notice as he picked up his guitar and began playing as he got closer to the microphone.
    He locked eyes with you for a few seconds, but he looked away to look down at his guitar as he continued to play. He played beautifully, it sounded like angels coming from the wooden instrument. Then his voice came through the speakers and out of the speakers. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever heard. He made eye contact with you once again, only this time he didn't look away, and it was longer. Before you knew it, the song was over. It was if his guitar playing, and voice had you in a trance. Once he finished, and everyone in their cars were cheering, he gave a smirk to you and walked off stage.
    "Come on! Let's go see if we can meet him after the show!" Sandy said as she grabbed your hand excitedly, and you two went behind the screen. You found the boy with the rest of his band, lighting a cigarette before taking a few puffs, then turning to you. "Hello there love." He said smiling at you. Your heart melted when you heard his accent. "Hi. I, I liked the song you played, just now. You're really good on the guitar." You complimented and blushed slightly. He gave you that same smirk he did on stage, "Thanks. Are you girls staying for the movie tonight?" He asked.
    Sandy nudged me and I said, "I would, but I don't have a car to stay and watch it in and her car is full." He looked at Sandy, then back at me. "You can watch it in my car with me if you'd like." He said smirking. Your heart dropped in your stomach. You nodded, a bit to quickly, and he smiled and threw his cigarette in the grass and put it out as he lead you to his car.
    It was a black 1966 Pontiac GTO Convertible, and it was stunning. He opened the door for you on the passenger side and you clicked inside. When he got in you turned and looked at him as you smiled and asked him what his name was. "Thomas. Yours?"  You smiled and told him your name. "A pretty name for a pretty girl." He smiled at you. You blushed and stared into his eyes and before you even knew what was happening, you were kissing him. It felt nice, the feeling of his lips on yours.

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