6 0 0

Walking past the security guard, who held a serious countenance and a rifle in his hands, outside the door, we walked towardS a glass elevator. Looking around me, I noticed the whole building was glass and could see all of outside.

As we stepped into the elevator, Alex pressed on ground floor and it started to descend.

Looking outside, the world looked different; most of the buildings were glass and lined in massive rows, but were pitch black inside.

The elevator dinged and we walked out, the cold air hitting my face and arising goosebumps on my skin. The sky held an orange hue and I saw the sunset had painted the blue above. Looking down, I never noticed my attire; full black, with patent, lace up, black boots.

The stones crunched loudly under my boots as we approached a glass building that was not pitch black, but allowed the natural light to reflect in.

"This is the research building, where we hold everyone that wakes up," Alex informed as we stepping into the building.

"Like I said you will have a security guard with you at all times and his room will be joined to yours." I nodded and stepped into the elevator following Alex.

"Your room is on the 6th floor," she stated pressed the 6th button.

"Why are all the buildings glass?" I questioned.

"The Parliament building is much taller than all of these and can therefore see every building, so we can keep tabs on the people that wake up. When a person has broken out of their simulation, they immediately activate a bight red light to go off, meaning a guard of the Parliament situated on the top floor can see, and contact the guard in that building."

"Oh," I said feebly.

"Technology has advanced quite a bit since you went under, as you can see those buildings have a specific type of glass called light clot which basically stops the natural light from coming in but still allowing the building to be transparent."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened, revealing a white room with a double bed and glass walls allowing the view to flood in. To my left, there was a bathroom with a magnificent bath and a pastel green tiled floor. To my right, there was a door that was closed which immediately drew my attention.

Alex followed my eyes and sensed my scepticism, "that's your guard's room."

As if on cue, the door opened to reveal a tall man, his boots pounded as they collided with the floor when he stepped forward. His large hands were wrapped around a rifle as they clenched simultaneously with his jaw. His caved in cheeks sharpened his cheekbones and made his jaw more prominent as his long curls shaped his face.

"Ah right on time, Isla this is Harry," Alex spoke, breaking the silence.

His eyes flicked to mine. They were cold and uninviting like snakes among the forest; but I still got lost in the woods.

"Alright Isla, tests start tomorrow at 7am. This first test has to be on an empty stomach so you can go for breakfast afterwards; Harry will take you there. I'll see you soon," Alex spoke before walking into the open elevator doors and leaving.

The sky was getting darker, slowly eradicating the light from the room.

Heavy thuds from Harry's boots filled the room when I realised he was leaving. His stiff movements and mannerisms did not go unnoticed, and his rigid posture made me wonder if he was always so serious and taut. Just as his door was about to close I realised he was leaving me alone, and still very confused. "Wait!"

His head whipped around, eyes blazing into mine, jaw clenched waiting for me to speak. "When do I have to get up tomorrow?"

"Alarm is at 6:30," he quickly spoke with a deep voice, lips parting for seconds before he turned around and slammed the door shut.

I exhaled and blinked slowly, not realising my lungs were suffering and unhinged jaw aching. I sat down on the bed, united my boots and crawled under the covers; feeling the soft sheets encasing my body, I shut my eyes, thought of my family and let sleep envelop me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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