Chapter 3

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After math, me and Ryth parted ways. He had magic, and I had music. I loved music. I played the ukulele and sang. Barely anyone has heard me sing. I don't like doing it in front of people. People say I have a good voice, but I don't really think so. But, I love to anyway. And the uke is awesome. It is way easier than guitar and sounds just as cool. I walk into the classroom and sit next to Sparkles.

"Hey Sparks." I greet him.

"Hi Grace." He says back.

"Do you know what were doing today?" I ask him.

"I think were doing solo projects." He replied.

Oh no. Solo projects? Solo. That means we're doing them by oursleves. I'm gonna have to sing in front of the whole class. By myself.

"Grace you okay?" Sparkles asked me.

"Oh, ya, I'm fine." I respond.

Just then the teacher walks in. She was probably in her mid 30s. Her name was Mrs. Marsh. She had meduim length, light brown hair. Her eyes were brown.

"Hello class! How are you today?" She asked us.

"Good." We all say in unison.

"Fantastic! Okay. So, instaed of learning today, I figured you could do a project." She started. The class groaned. "No, it's not that bad. You get to preform any song you want. So, you have to first choose you song. I don't really care what song you choose. Second, you have to practice the music on any instrument of you choice. And third, you have to learn the vocals to the song. This will be a project to do on your own. Please be done by next Monday. Okay, have fun! you may work on it today." She finished. Everyone immeadiatly started talking.

"What song are you going to do?" I ask Sparkles.

"I think I'm going to do a song I wrote." He said.

"Oh that's cool. I'm going to do C'mon by Panic! At The Disco." I say to him.

"That's a good song. Your gonna do great." He said, getting up and walking away.

Okay, I can do this. I already know the volcals and chords by heart. I got this. I just need to practice.

The whole class time, I was in a practice room. I didn't really want to practice in front of everyone else. I just played the song over and over again. When class was done, I walked out of the room. Sparkles was on the other side.

"Grace!' He exclaimed.

"What?" I asked slightly nervous.

"Your really good! Why do you go in the practice rooms?" he asked.

"Because I didn't want anyone else to hear me." I say then walk away. I make my way towards the cafiteria. I hear some people talking. I peek around the corner. Rythian was talking to Kailey.

"I'll bring them tomorrow, I want to go and eat lunch." I heard Kailey say.

"Fair enough." Rythian said walking towards the cafiteria. I come out from behind the corner a few seconds later. I run after Rythian. Finally, I catch up to him. I never really noticed that he was a fast walker.

"Hey." I say. He turns to me.

"Oh, hey." He says. He puts his arm around me.

"You've got to see what I drew during magics today."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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