chapter 5

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Cherry woke up in a flash and saw a kiss mark on Eddie's face with his pants pulled down and Dolores looked very angry. 

"What happened?" Cherry looked around.

"Never mind that," Dolores told her, strictly. "Come on, we're getting going!"

"I told you, Dolores, it's not what it looked like!" Eddie cried.

Cherry shrugged, then got ready to go with them back to the bar. Dolores left in a huff and Eddie followed them, getting his jacket on.

"Come on, Dolores!" Eddie called after her. "You don't believe a painted hussy like that could turn my head. She's just trying to get her hands on the rabbit and Atticus."

"That's not all she's trying to get her hands on," Dolores scoffed. 

"Now, look, Dolores, listen..." Eddie tried to calm her.

"I hope you're proud of yourself." Cherry glared at Jessica who was in a car not too far from them.

"Honey, it's business, you'll understand when you're older." Jessica told her with her glazed eyes.

"You're bad!"

"Like I told Mr. Valiant... I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way, now run along and play like a good little girl."

Cherry growled and went after Dolores and Eddie. 

"I'm on the verge of wrappin' up this case." Eddie tried to smooth talk Dolores to get her out of the bad mood.

"No, you're not, Eddie!" Dolores hissed. "That's what I came to tell you. I stopped by probate. Maroon's not after Toon Town like you thought. It's Cloverleaf that wants to get their hands on Toon Town. They put in the highest bid. And unless Mr. Acme's will shows up by midnight tonight with an eligible cartoonist, Cloverleaf's gonna own Toon Town." 

"What?" Eddie stepped forward, seeing the Cloverleaf building. "At midnight tonight?"

"That's right." Dolores clarified.

"First they buy the red car, then they wanna get their hands on Toon Town. I don't get it!"

Suddenly, inside the bar there was rapid piano music playing. There was also the distinct sound of Roger's laughter. 

"Roger!" Eddie grabbed Dolores and Cherry's hands and ran inside the building with them. 

What they didn't know was that the man hole they were standing by opened up to reveal the weasels, spying and eavesdropping.

"The rabbit and the boy!" Smarty snickered. "Get the judge." he went back down with his friends to get their boss.

The group walked into the bar to see Atticus clapping to the song while Roger sang to many bar flies. Cherry and Eddie were a little angry since they were supposed to be hiding.

Roger: A joke don't sit there on your brain

Roger then laughed at one of the bar patrons, entertaining them. "Whoo-hoo, nice shirt! Who's your tailor, Quasimodo?" he continued to perform for them.

Roger: My buddy's Eddie V.

He's a sourpuss, you see

But when I'm done he'll need no gun

Cuz a joker he will be

C, D, E, F, G, H, I

I love to raise some Cain!

Believe me, it's no strain

I feel so great to smash a plate

And look, there's no pain

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