Superboy POV

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"She seems nice," M'gann said after Robin and (y/n) had disappeared down the hall.

"I didn't know Robin had a sister," Wally said, somewhat in shock. "She's kinda cute."

I rolled my eyes as Artemis whacked Wally upside the head.

"Let us go and rest," Aqualad suggested. "Perhaps we can socialize with (y/n) a little before training begins."

The team nodded in agreement and walked back down the hall. M'gann went to the kitchen to bake while Artemis, Wally, and Aqualad went to the lounge. I leaned against the wall, lost in thought. (y/n) seemed different in some way. She looked a lot like Robin, but her eyes were much lighter and they were unfocused. I wondered if there was a reason for that.

Superboy (Young Justice) x reader | Robin's blind sisterWhere stories live. Discover now