Chapter 13

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As I drove to Ethan's house, I was starting to get really nervous. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, I go off the freeway and made my way to the main streets. I made a left passing all the beautiful homes in this area.I entered Ethan's driveway I parked my car next to the white porsche SUV.

I got out and locked my car, putting my car keys inside my bag. I walked up the steps toward the dark, tall double wood doors. I knocked on the door loudly. I looked around the driveway, who's here and why is there so many cars?

The door swings wide open and, standing there with his fancy suit on is Ethan.

"Come in" he said, grabbing my hand to pull me inside. He closed the door, more like slamming it shut behind me, making me jump.

He just stared at me once I was inside.

"Maybe if you take a picture it might last longer" I said with a smirk on my face.

He shook his head side to side "Listen I have something to tell you" he said, he looked really worried.

"What's wrong" I said taken back, looking around the room nervously.

"My aunt and uncle are here, as well as my cousin Ashton and his wife Kacie"

"Really!?" I whispered yelled.

He just nodded his head"Yeah his wife is, well, she likes to ask a lot of question" he said

"Like personal question is that it" I said, sounding more confused than ever.

"Yeah, kinda I guess. Look if she asks you how we met, say we met outside of work okay?"

"Didn't we just tell your mother the other day we ran into each other at work because that how we met if I remember correctly. Let's just stick to that yeah?" I said, looking at his reaction.

"Shit! I totally forgot about that; yeah we'll stick to that then" he said. I've never seen Ethan this worried before he's usually relatively calm and looked like he had no worry in the world.

"Are you okay?" I should be the one nervous, not him.

"I guess" he shrugged, but I wasn't convinced at all.

"Look Ethan, we can do this, so stop acting like a baby" I stated.

"You're not afraid of getting caught because if we do, I won't get the company and you would be without a job. Do you understand both of us are going to lose something we value?" he said in a low voice, looking around the room nervously.

"It's not going to come to that, you know that!"

"Why?" he said with a confused expression on his face.

"Because were going to walk in there," I said pointing at the kitchen. "And act like we're madly in love, and we can't stand to be away from each other" I said, trying to convince myself more than him that we can actually pull this off.

"Ethan, where's the white wine we brought from France?" A girl said.

Ethan turned his head. I looked at her; she was so skinny like a model would be. She had black long straight hair, and was wearing some black skinny jeans and some black open heals with a lace long sleeve top. She walked toward us.

"And who can this be?" she said with a smile on her face, looking at me up and down.

Ethan just stood there staring at her.Isn't he going to tell her anything? Well, I guess I have to do all the talking then.

"I'm Adriana Anderson, Ethan's girlfriend" I said looking up at him. What's with him, seriously?

She looked at me with wide eyes "Where have you been hiding her? She's gorgeous Ethan!" she said.

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