Sera x Qunari!Inquisitor

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Title: Flower Crowns
(Inq)=Inquisitor's Name


"Hey Sera? Where exactly are we going? We've been walking for like an hour."

Sera laughed, looking up at the large Qunari (class) walking beside of her.

"Oh come on, Teetness! The big, strong Inquisitor isn't getting tired now, is she? We haven't even been walking for fifteen minutes!" She giggled, grabbing the Inquisitor's hand. "Right up here, come on!"

Sera dragged the woman a bit more, before emerging into a large clearing filled with colorful wildflowers. The elf let go of the other woman's hand, before running into the field and yelling back at (Inq), "Come on, Inky, betcha can't catch me!"

The Qunari woman laughed before chasing the shorter elven woman around the field, before catching her and scooping her up in her arms, doing a small spin before setting her back down on her feet, arms still wrapped around her lover.

The two layed down in the soft grass and laughed together, looking at the clouds, with Sera pointing out all of the inappropriate-looking ones.

After A few minutes, Sera sat up. "I've got an idea... just.. wait a bit.. and don't look!"

She stood and walked a bit forward before sitting down, facing away from her Qunari lover. She sat there for a few minutes before walking back over to her original spot beside of (Inq), hands behind her back.

"Close your eyes!" (Inq) did as she was told, closing her eyes, smiling a bit. Something was placed on her head. "Surprise!"

(Inq) opened her eyes, seeing flowers in front of her eyes. She laughed before adjusting the crown to sit properly on top of her head. "And flower crown?"

"Yep! Soo.. ya like it?" Sera beamed, planting A sloppy kiss to her lover's cheek and wrapping her arms around her neck.

"I love it." (Inq) murmured sweetly, kissing the elf on the lips. Sera pulled back and smirked. Giggling, she layed back into the grass, bringing the larger woman down with her.

"Well, why don't cha show me how much ya like it then, Teetness?" She mumbled into her ear before nibbling on it teasingly. The qunari chuckled.

"Can do."


And that's that, hope you guys enjoyed reading!

Any requests? Feel free to tell!

This book is my current focus, as I am more into this game than I am into the fandoms of my other stories, though I will try to update my other stories as well~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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