China doll

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China doll so fragile and pretty you stood up on your high shelf, look on with pity. broken china doll you fallen to far.

fragments of you, who you once were. Little china doll you won't make it far in a world full of hate you'll start scar. replace you on your pedestal in my room from afar, you beautiful fragile little China doll.

I'm easily broken and fragile to the touch one wrong word and I'll start to crack I'm bursting at the seams with the twinkle in my eye, hoping to God no one will see me cry. I was one to China doll, painted to smile lost in the sea of emptiness oh beautiful little China doll, how far you have fallen broken into pieces you've cracked fragile to the core soulless in the heart, light as a feather broken apart.

What I love most about you china doll is that you've been painted to smile. your face hiding behind foundation of beauty but now inside your dying we place you upon a high pedestal and expect very much, when all you really want is a friend to hug, along the way you lose yourself....

No one will ever know just how fragile you are. one wrong move shit its too late, you have begin to fall no amount of Gule can put you back together you just break more and more. my beautiful little further so break collapse this is not your destruction we'll pick you back up and put you back together. And this time we'll be careful because you're so fragile....

China doll

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