Richiwise: 1

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       Richies POV
  Right now I'm alone. I called Eddie, Beverly, Mike H, Mike W, and etc. but they were all "Busy". They were most likely doing something without me like they always do.
  I was bummed out of my thoughts by a loud thump downstairs. "Mom?!" I scream. I sit and wait for her to reply, but I don't get one. Another loud thump was made. I groan and get up.
  I grab my bat and slowly walk down the stairs of my house. I look around the living room and game room, but there wasn't anyone. I started to walk back to the stairs, but I heard a thump in the kitchen. I slowly lifted my bat and walked towards the kitchen. When I get by the kitchen I peek my head around the corner to see who it was...or what it was. However I didn't see anyone. I decided to walk into the kitchen and look around. I saw a trail of red stuff. Blood. I followed the trail, which leads into the living room. Which I just looked in but I didn't see anything. Then I felt something hot hit my back. I close my eyes and turn around and open them.
     Pennywise was standing there with a large grin. Right when I was going to scream he cover my mouth. "SHHHHHHH! Richie you don't want to do that...." He Says. I see a knife on the corner of the sink behind Pennywise. I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and run and grab the knife and stand there. He slowly stands up "Now Richie is that really needed? Who ever said I was coming to hurt anyone?" I shake my head "Why wouldn't you.... we basically defeated you...... how are you even here!?" I practically scream. He sighs "First off I don't sleep or hibernate, I collect food.... children so I don't have to keep coming out.....however you and your friends kinda fucked that up. Also I came here because I was hungry. And was gonna live in your basement." I was taken back by the whole basement thing "W-Wait. ..... you're not living in my basement..... you can't come in my house and live in my basement!" He Laughs "Actually. If you don't want your friends to get hurt you would let me....... or yourself and family..." I sigh "FINE! But you can't come up when my parent are here! And don't make a mess!" He Giggles "Yea that's what I thought." Then he walked away. I stood there in shock and questions taking over my mind..... like why he chose my house.....
I'm aware that most of this isn't true 😂

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