thoughts XXXIII

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Its lonely to have a broken heart because you try so, so damn hard to push everyone away so you don't get hurt. But somehow, you fall in love again. You think you fall in love again. You start to trust them, you tell them all your secrets and then they just throw everything away. They never loved you. Did you really love them? You're broken, you thought they had been fixing you, but all this time they were just smushing the pieces into dust because you were a mistake. They didn't realize how attatched you would get, or they didn't know how broken you were. They can't deal with it. So they leave. And there you stand, a broken heart in your hands, on the ground. You're surrounded by it. You can't stop thinking about them. You still love them. You gave them your heart, and they poked and prodded and threw it back. They never cared. When someone is this broken, how can anyone. No one will ever really love me. I guess this is it. The final breaking point. Because, what's the point of living with a broken heart. Is not worth the emptiness, the longing, the pain when you remember. What if I don't want to remember?

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