11. A Nasty Surprise

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Khilji's camp

The beautifully decorated palanquins had made their way slowly, gracefully towards the camp. A hundred and fifty in all, each supported by four strong men.

The general Khilji had sent to receive Padmini recalled their last conversation.

"Sire, this is not a good idea..."

"They're just women. What can they do? Do you honestly expect such weak creatures to come wielding swords?" Khilji had laughed.

"Sire, the palanquins could hide anything..."

Khilji had dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

The general watched as the first palanquin was set down gently in front of him. The intricate wooden carvings picked out in gold leaf and the red silk curtains with embroidered in gold thread which obscured the occupant meant that this was Padmini's. Though the other palanquins were beautiful, they all paled in comparison to this one.

There was a gentle tinkle of metal as she prepared to exit. The bearers stood silently off to the side, their arms crossed and their eyes trained on the ground.

The curtains parted and a ripple of shock traveled through the assembled army.


Gora burst into the Sultan's tent, brandishing his sword. The dog would pay for the death of his men, for the kidnapping of his king.

He had obviously surprised the Sultan. Khilji was lying on top of a woman, obviously entertaining himself till Padmini arrived. Gora shuddered to think what he would have done to the Rani. He swung his sword at Khilji's head.

Even though he had been taken by surprise, Khilji still moved quickly. He manoeuvred the naked woman in front of him, between the sword and his body.

Gora's blade stopped a hair's breadth from the concubine's throat. The fear in her eyes and her vulnerable state did not allow Gora to strike her. No matter what, he could not, would not, strike an innocent woman.

There was slight rustle behind him but Gora was too slow to turn. Khilji's guards slit open his back. He writhed on the ground as a pool of blood seeped around him. His last sight was that of Khilji's sword coming down on his throat as the blackness engulfed him.


Ratan Singh gasped in shock as General Badal entered the tent. Had the general betrayed him to Khilji? It would explain why it had been so easy for him to be captured.

 The general simply kicked the body aside and strode towards the Maharana. This was it. This was how he was going to die; at the hands of a man he had considered a close confidant. The blade flashed in front of the Maharana's face. He reconciled himself to the fact that this would be the last sight he would ever see.

The bonds fell away. Badal helped his king to his feet and Ratan Singh removed the soiled gag from his mouth.

"What are you doing here?" the Maharana asked hoarsely, rubbing his wrists.

"Rescuing you, Sire. Can you ride?"

The Maharana nodded and Badal led the way out of the tent.


His sword cut through the body. It was dripping with blood. The red liquid was already splattered all over Khilji's clothes. He ducked another blow and thrust his blade into the idiotic soldier who had tried to face him.

He should have known that those Rajputs would try to pull something like this. The initial surprise that his men had felt when armoured, well armed soldiers had tumbled out of the palanquins had led to their slaughter. It had been a few minutes before they had managed to rally themselves. Now they were locked in mortal combat.

Out of the corner of his eye, Khilji saw two figures exiting his prisoner's tent. The guards had probably joined the battle, leaving Ratan Singh unguarded. He had to stop them!

A decisive blow to his enemy's head took care of the hapless soldier and Khilji started to sprint after his escaping prisoner.

Suddenly, a man stepped into his path. Khilji groaned. He did not have time for this. He hefted his sword in his hands and charged.


They had stolen two horses from the stable and stampeded the rest. The stampede just added extra confusion to the battle, buying them a little more time.

They rode bareback as their mounts flew towards Chittorgarh and safety. As they skirted around the skirmish, more Rajput soldiers caught up the freed horses and joined them.

This was it! All that was left was to clear the last few tents and make it inside the gates of Chittorgarh!

Suddenly, the Maharana noticed a body falling out of Khilji's tent. He dimly recognised the form of his friend and general, Gora. Khilji followed him out and swung his blade towards his neck.

"Gora!" screamed the Maharana and started to turn his mount. That slave would pay! He would pay for everything! For lusting after his queen, for killing his friend, for harming his people!

Badal had taken the opportunity to snatch up the Maharana's reins. He guided the horse along with the rest.

"No, Sire! We cannot afford to do that!"

They were now starting the ascent to the fort. Hooves thundered up the paved passage, kicking up dust in a cloud of yellow haze.

Behind them, they could here Khilji spurring on his men and their mounts. They were slowly gaining on their prey. Still they galloped on, the Maharana and his men.

"Close the gates!" yelled the general as they neared the walls. The massive, studded gates began to close slowly, the thick sheets of wood studded with elephant stopping iron spikes moving easily on their well oiled hinges. A shower of arrows flew over their heads, bringing down some of their pursuers.

The last horse managed to squeeze between the small gap just as the two large doors slammed shut. Badal called a halt. He looked around with a keen eye. Out of almost seven hundred men, only fifty had survived long enough to make it back to the fort.


"Pull back!" screamed Khilji as he saw just what they were heading into. Archers were already lining the walls of the fort and in the narrow passage, his men were grouped up close enough to make easy targets. Khilji reigned in his horse just as the first of his men entered the range of the archers.

There were a number of whistling sounds and dull thumps as the first volley found its mark. Khilji and his men pulled back, casting a wary eye on their fallen comrades and the doors through which their prey had disappeared.

Khilji pursed his lips and turned his mount around. There was much planning to do. Arms to handed out, men to be readied, the situation to be analysed thoroughly. He was sure Chittorgarh would crumble with a little planning but there was little time.

He called over a young boy. "Get to the camp as fast as you can and call my generals together. Tell them we attack at dawn."


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