My Name is Nova

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My name is Nova Jean Artino, but the people of my city only know me as Nightmare.  I was taken in by the Anarchists when I was six because my parents were killed, and my uncle was the only one who would help me.  Ever since that night, I can not sleep.  I was trained by the Anarchists to be their secret weapon to defeat the Renegades.  In order to take them down, I had to become one of my hatred enemy and become a false girl, Insomnia.  The line between friend and foe is becoming blurry, and I know I need to do something before it comes crashing down on top of me.

What book am I from?

When is the next book in the series coming out?

Who is the author that created me?

Bonus Question:  Was this the best book ever?

(Hint: There is only one right answer)

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