Offenderman Chronicles

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*This book was written by a twelve year old with no real understanding of psychology. I want to make it clear here that it is an INCREDIBLY unrealistic story. Though it isn't the worst I've seen, it does eventually excuse sexual assault without any disclaimers.

*So this is your disclaimer.

*I'm leaving the story up in order to be transparent, but I want to make this clear: If you are a child, I want you to leave. I marked this as mature for a reason. And if you won't leave, child or not, I want you to know that this is not what a healthy relationship looks like. You may have your fantasies, your roleplays with those you trust- but this dynamic will NEVER work in real life.


*You will not grow to like it, you will not adjust. You will be broken down further and further. It won't be a romance. It will be horror.

*Thank you for reading. Take care of yourself.


A/N So hey, quick explanation: I really like Offenderman books and none of my favorite are updating. So I'm making my own.

Karelia's POV

I was sitting in another, incredibly boring, maths lesson. My best friend Charlotte was sitting next to me, so I was writing notes to her. The school slut on the other hand, she was in the corner of the room with empty seats all around her. Every new person that sat next to her moved by the end of the lesson. She was always trying to show people her thighs. Finally the bell rang! But as it was a Friday, Charlotte had to go to dance and couldn't walk with me. I sighed and started the long journey by myself. While I was walking I noticed some things, that just seemed out of place. Where did that tree come from? Ah well. Trick of the light, it's gone now. So I kept walking. I thought I heard someone walking behind me so I spun around, and I saw an incredibly handsome man wearing a trenchcoat, tie and fedora. I couldn't see what he was wearing underneath, probably a business suit. He walked up to me and I blushed big time. He cleared his throat and said: "You are a beautiful girl. What is your name?" Corny, I know but that's just how he spoke. "Karelia.." I said, blushing slightly more. He seemed to notice and chuckled. "I'm sure a girl as beautiful as you has a beautiful favorite color. What is it?" I giggled, and replied: "Orange!!!" and I was startle by what he did next. Out of his pocket, he brought a beautiful orange rose, and he asked "Do you want it?" I giggled and wrapped my tender fingers around the soft stem
Charlotte's POV

"Bye!" I shouted to Karelia, as I got in my car. I drove to dance and got there just in time. Anyway, we learnt flips an stuff but the rest was boring so I'll just skip my dance class. Anyway I drove home and held my breath. I held my breath, waiting for the beating sure to come, but surprisingly it didn't. I was shocked of course, and looked around. I saw all the usual stuff, but no mum. Guess I was lucky this time. I switched on the television and switched to the looney tunes show. But it changed to the news. I sighed and watched the screen.

Reporter: Not many were identifiable but two were identified. Karen Lochlan and Charlie White.

I fist pumped the air. My abusive mother, Karen Lochlan was dead!!!!

A/N I'm evil, aren't I? Vote and comment and don't read unless you're 13 or over or badass. Just to make sure this gets rated right:
See you later pussy cats!

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