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Conan runs in the office and he looks through the papers where he finds a unsolved murder


Murder happen in ouran academy highschool...

Case closed

Conan smirks and runs out the office he opens the doors and then he was stopped by ran

Ran: Conan? What are you doing here?

Conan: oh uhhhhh well I was *mind* shit what am I gonna do...

Conan: I was just exploring! 😅 I just wanted to see if I wanted to become a... police!

Ran: oh okay?

Conan then ran off to the other direction and got on his skateboard

Time past

Conan then sees a huge school and he then walks in un noticed. He sees many rooms and then go to a room named the music room he opens it to see 🌹 flying out and he then men's appear

Host club members: welcome...

Tamaki: oh it's a young boy?

Kyoya: oh it seems he came to the wrong room?

Haruhi: well?

Tamaki: well we should welcome him

The strange blond guys goes near me and then I reacted by hitting him with my skateboard

Conan: I'm not here to have fun I'm here for work

Kyoya: work?

I didn't know if I should act like Conan or act like shinshi?

Conan: sigh well I'm Conan I'm a detective and I'm here to find out a murder that happened here

Kyoya: and what kind of murder is it?

Conan: it's a blow in the head done by a thick metal Pole it's about...honey senpai hight or so they say..*mind* it wasn't a pole I saw pictures and I saw cuts In the neck...what was it

Honey: how do you know my name?!

Conan: I knew it from the beginning I can see honey senpai scratches in his hands mostly it looks like gym matress and then I see him eating sweets but I knew he must stay fit you can tell his honey senpai by his look which it isn't hard to know just like Haruhi secret can't be over looked

Kyoya: hmm interesting

Conan: so you guys don't know about the murder?

Hikaru and kaoru: no we never heard of it at all

Conan: *mind* hmm I see then if the murder kept it hidden from the people from here but theirs allot of girls here how come no one saw the person...or heard a scream....

Honey: oh so are you like a real detective! Can we help!

Honey senpai looks at me and then everyone else start staring

Conan: sigh why not...

Everyone then told the girls that they were closed for a bit and everyone left we all start searching

Tamaki: hmm well theirs nothing here I suppose

Conan:*mind* huh? What is this

I bend down to the ground to see ice skating scratches but why skating scratches? I see the length..hmm it's seems it has been used theirs deep scratches so that means someone was walking on them...but why?

Haruhi: is everything okay?

Conan: where do you ice skate?

Haruhi: ice skate but I don't think theirs an ice skating rink in the school

Kyoya: yes their is an ice skating rink

Haruhi: wait what since when?

Hikaru: we always had one

Kaoru: doesn't every school have one?

Then the blond hair dude who's name is Tamaki hit them in the head and they started talking on the floor

Tamaki: you morons remember Haruhi is very delicate she's a commoner they don't have skating rink in their school

Hikaru and kaoru: oh okay I understand sir we won't do anything like that again

Tamaki: okay good

Haruhi: i feel like that should be offensive to me *mind* dame rich people

Conan: so can you tell me where it is?

Honey: yeah it's this way!

Honey spins towards the halls and I think to myself

Conan:*mind* what weird people...

We walk towards the halls and we see big doors once we open them I see two guys skating in the rink one had white hair and the other black

Conan: ugh....

Conan: ugh

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DETECTIVE CONAN: OURAN HIGHSCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now