Only part so part 1

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    I believe that the average society of today is corrupt and wrong on so many levels. Society has so many contradicting statements.. Love is love but don't be gay. Be proud to show yourself to the world, don't be ashamed of your scars, feel beautiful in your own skin. But you need to be skinny, and you need to wear makeup to look beautiful, and you need to wear certain clothes so the guy you love with notice you. You can be who you want to be and express yourself in whatever way you please. But don't cut or color your hair, don't cut holes in your clothes, don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. You are supposed to feel loved and accepted in this world but yet so many are misplaced and treated wrong.

    I believe this because a lot of people in this world do these things on a daily basis. Girls will tell other girls that they are beautiful and will never have to change but those are the girls who go home every night crying because they feel disgusted in their own skin. The guy who told his friend that him and his girlfriend are amazing together is the same guy who is scared to tell his best friend that he has feelings for him because even tho love is love being gay still isn't accepted by most of society. Society is bipolar. We want people to feel loved and accepted but we're also the ones who tell others that they'll never be good enough or they'll never make it anywhere in life. We tell our closest friends that suicide isn't an option because it's just stopping a temporary problem by using a permanent solution. In society self harm is looked down upon but yet the kids who get bullied on a daily basis feel like their trapped so harming themselves is the only way out for them to give them a sense of relief. The kids who kill themselves don't do it for the attention or to make anyone upset that they're gone. They do it because people in this world have broken them down so much they start believing that no one does truly care about them. Maybe their home life isn't great, and going to school or going outside is their only free and safe place but society makes their safe place a dangerous and toxic war zone. The way our society works today is that we want people to feel like they belong but as soon as they step out of line or do something we don't like we immediately resort to beating them down and breaking every piece of self confidence that they have gained. That is what I think is wrong with the world. We work so hard to help others and bring them up but just as quick we can break them down. This is why the world has so many suicides, people with depression, and a whole bunch of other disorders that are just made to be worse when people criticize them for these mental disorders that they can't control. I believe that society of course can be loving and accepting but I also feel like sometimes we have just lost our humanity because we don't take into consideration other people's feelings. We are so quick to make fun of someone or even physically hurt them but we don't stop and think that maybe it seriously hurts and affects the person. Since the late 1990's suicide rates have increased by at least 24%. Why is that? Because what we say to people matters. What we do as a society and even a community matters. But we don't think about that do we? No because as long as it's not hurting us why would we care. This is why I believe that the average society of today is corrupt.

    I believe in order to fix our society we need to learn how to think about what we say, and what we do. We need to understand that people are sensitive. People have feelings. That the world doesn't revolve simply around one person or one thing. Our society needs to be like our universe. Everything working together to keep the planets in the system and to keep them orbiting. The sun and gravity keeps the planets in space and in orbit. Just like the good people in the world keep us alive. That is what I believe.  

    So maybe if people in this world weren't so cruel to each other  we wouldn't have as many people who wanted to harm themselves.  There are so many other ways of doing things than being mean.  Instead of making fun of that kid for having special needs, compliment their shirt.  Instead of laughing at the boy who comes to school in dresses and makeup, tell him he looks really pretty.  It  is the simple things that matter in this world.  Just be kind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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