Chapter 2

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The darkness embraced Andromeda, the echoes of two people speaking  ran around her head.  She narrowed her brows, pain struck through her head like a sharp needle and she was tempted to wake up. 

Grudgingly, she opened her eyes. Her vision was green, since the visor she wore glowed a blue-green haze within the helmet. She looked up slightly, seeing two faded figures seeming to converse with each other.

" When do you think she's gonna wake up?" A feminine voice spoke out, echoing in her eyes. Andromeda kept her head down, pretending to be unconscious whilst eavesdropping on the two figures. She looked around, being careful to not move her head to alert the two. 

Her green visor glowed, brightening the dark room around her, her night vision mode was on. Listening to the voices talking, she slowly move her hands, finding that she was tightly restrained with magnetically bounded handcuffs. 

" Wait, her suit's glowing!" The feminine voice exclaimed and Andromeda froze, not bothering to even breath as the duo closed in on her. " I think she's awake."

" We know you're awake, Talon agent." The gruffly voice grumbled, Andromeda didn't raise her head and merely looked up with her eyes. Her now clear vision focused on the Ape that she had stolen information from. " You might as well stop what you're doing right now."

It was then when Andromeda finally rose her head, when she realized that she was chained to a lone chair. She shook her wrists around, but to no luck, it barely shackled in movement.  

" Who are you?" The Ape, known as Winston, questioned her, glaring at her. Andromeda continued to shake against the restraints, ignoring the famed scientist. Her suit began to hiss, arguing against the lack of movement. " Would you stop struggling? You're not going to get anywhere by doing that."

" Would you look at that, the monkey talks." Andromeda mocked in a monotonic voice, her visor hid the small smirk she let out. She stopped her struggling, seeing no way to even get out and hopefully escape. 

Winston narrowed his eyes, blowing air out through his nose. " I am an ape."

" What's the difference?" Andromeda mocked continuously, her body creeped over slightly. 

" That's enough, lad." The other figure interceded, Andromeda focused on her and realized it was the young woman who had made her fall and lose her chance to escape, Tracer. " Who're you? Why're you 'ere?"

Andromeda chuckled softly, shifting her weight under the restraints. " And why should I tell you, fille ennuyante." She retorted.

" Do you work for Talon?" Tracer questioned her again, placing her hands on her hips.

" Perhaps, perhaps not." Andromeda shrugged her shoulders, she was now toying around the British hero. 

" What did you steal from Winston's computer?" She asked once more, leaning in this time.

" Now, why would I ever steal from a monkey?" Andromeda smirked, she now realized what Widowmaker meant with toying with a certain British speedster. " Wouldn't that be Animal cruelty?"

Tracer sighed heavily and turned back to Winston, waving a hand at the chained up girl. " She's not breakin', Winston. What do you want to do?"

Winston cleared his voice and fixed the extremely small glasses he was wearing. " Okay, girl. Since you won't open up, I'll give you two choices." He started, Andromeda perked up slightly. " You can either choose to stay here in a cell with possibly no chance of parole, or you can stay at the base under the watchful eye of Agent Tracer. Either way, your weapons will be confiscated along with your suit-"

" You will not touch my weapons or my suit." Andromeda hissed at him, her weapons and suit were precious to her and she wouldn't even let anyone touch them, unless it was Widowmaker. 

It was silent between the trio, none dared to speak up after the sudden tension. Andromeda sighed heavily, ideas sprouted from her head. " How about we come into an agreement?" She intoned, tilting her head slightly to look up at Winston. 

Winston and Tracer glanced at each other, the latter shrugged her shoulders and turned to the girl. " A'ight, what do you got?" She said, shifting her weight and resting on hand on her hip.

" I'll go with you to your base under the watchful eye of your agents." Andromeda started off, leaning against the chair. " Intended that I keep my stuff."

Winston thought for a moment, he wondered if he was stepping into a trap. " Alright, but if you do anything even considered suspicious, we have the right to throw you back into this very cell. You got me?"

Andromeda frowned, though it wasn't like she had that much of a choice anyways. " Affirmative." She replied, looking down at her wrists and seeing the gauntlets connected to the suit shifting around to resist the sudden compacted weight on them. " Though, I would very much appreciate it if you could release the restraints. It is very bothersome."

At the Talon Secret Base:

Sombra and Widowmaker walked through the halls, the duo remained silent as the approached Reaper's office. Upon opening the door, the cloaked figure turned around and faced them. He then noticed that a certain person was missing from the merciless trio.

" Where is Andromeda." He growled, his voice was deep and gargled from under the mask. 

Widowmaker stepped forwards, her fists gripped tightly. " Upon successfully importing the enemy's files into the hard drive, the base's computer system activated and disarmed her suit's abilities. She was then captured by their agents, though she was able to transfer the hard drive to Sombra."

Sombra then walked forwards and gave Reaper the small hard drive, she wasn't wearing the playful smirk that she usually had. 

Reaper pocketed the hard drive and turned around. " Very well, all that matters is that we have the hard drive. We can continue on now." He stated, turning his focus on the several blueprints on his desk. " You're excused."

Sombra glanced at Widowmaker with a solemn look in her eyes before shaking her head and walking out the door. The blue-skinned woman narrowed her eyes in confusion, she had though that Reaper would at least show some sense.

" And what of Andromeda?" Widowmaker asked, leaning forwards slightly. " Do you not think that we should save her? She is at the hands of those Overwatch agents, she is one of your best soldiers in the field."

" It's not worth the risk." Reaper waved her off, Widowmaker was a bit shock that he didn't care in the least. Calling Andromeda as if she wasn't worth it at all. " She will have to get herself out of there. I thought I told you, you're excused."

Widowmaker wanted to say more, but she bottled it down and walked out the door. She was not happy, but even she herself couldn't do anything at the moment. She sighed softly, straightening her back and walking through the halls. For now, she had only hope that her younger sister would make it out there soon. She had only hope that she could have the heart to feel for her, nevertheless, the plan had to go on.

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