1 Chamomile and Cedar

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A/N Hey Guys! This is my first time publishing to Wattpad so any feedback or corrections would be greatly appreciated! As you can probably tell, this is a work in progress so changes may take place as I progress. Enjoy!


My pace quickens as I walk down the crowded streets, pushing through a group of people I drop my head down, watching the cracks in the pavement beneath me. I instinctively grip my bag of groceries tighter and put more distance between me and the market. The heart of London is always a crowded place on the weekends. The air is crisp with a light chill, and I draw my leather jacket tighter around me. Another couple blocks and I finally arrive at the underground transit. Swiping my card, I get on the train swiftly, avoiding direct eye contact with strangers. I shuffle towards the back of the train, looking for a seat as far away from others as possible. This proves to be difficult as the section I climbed in appears to be rather crowded. I settle for a seat in the corner and pull my bag off my shoulder. A small sigh escapes my lips as I settle back, finally relieved of the weight that has plagued my shoulder all day. My mind wanders as I think back over the events of the day. Any comfort is short-lived; however, when an older woman steps on the train, and my gaze is drawn to her slouched posture and the dark circles encasing her eyes. The woman looks around for a free seat, but to no avail settles on standing just to the left of me. Quickly gathering my things, I stand up and gesture towards the now open seat.

I don't quite make eye contact as I whisper a quick, "Would you like to sit down, love?"

Her tired eyes light up with a genuine smile. Her frail figure and graying hair making her look exhausted as she makes her way to sit down.

"Thank you, sir."

I flinch slightly as she lays a hand on my shoulder, but instantly relax once I catch her gentle gaze. I gave a small smile and nod in return, grabbing onto the overhead rail as the train starts moving again.

It's nearing five o'clock when I make it back to my flat. It's a small place, on top of a local bakery, but luckily the flat next to me is empty, so it stays fairly quiet. At least I had thought so. I reach the top of the stairs and run straight into a something solid, warm, and sweet smelling. Knocking the threat to the ground in the force of the collision, I instantly get on the defensive, ready to strike. The threat, however, never comes. Rather, I lock eyes with brilliant hazel orbs. Cool, muted gray, meeting warm, inviting hazel.

"I'm so sorry; I wasn't watching where I was going" The woman quickly apologizes, getting to her feet and brushing off her dark jeans.

The first thing I notice is her accent. She's definitely not from around here, as she speaks with a strong, American accent. If I'm not mistaken, she's from the north, probably New York or Chicago area. The second thing that catches my attention is she's absolutely breathtaking. Her unruly, dark hair frames her face and falls just at the shoulders. Her features are soft, with a light galaxy of freckles on her cheeks. It's her eyes, however, that I can't crack. A million different emotions are swirling around inside; it leaves me puzzled.

My thoughts are interrupted as she holds out a hand.

"Claire" She offers with a grin.

Her friendliness takes me by surprise, but I hesitantly give my own hand in return.

"Kierian," I say, shaking her hand. Her hand is extremely soft, and spreads warmth up my arm. Her nail beds are bitten down, I observe, probably an old habit. "But I mostly just go by Ian."

Claire grins once more, and I can't help but return a small smile.

"Well, Ian," she says, testing it out. A feeling I can't quite place grips my chest at the way her voice makes its way around my name. "I just moved into the apartment next door," She looks down, and I swear I see a small hint of blush across her cheeks, "I guess we're neighbors then?"

I look down at my hand and notice her eyes have landed on my flat keys.

"I guess so" my lip quirks upward into a small smile, but instantly falls. "I'm really sorry about running into you" I offer.

Claire simply waves me off, and I already feel ten pounds lighter.

"I'll see you around then, Ian" Claire gives one last smile before brushing past me and down the direction I came from. I'm left with only the lingering scent of chamomile and cedar. Shuffling into my flat, I lock the door behind me and take a breath. I glance around at my small living room, complete with a couch and small television. My belongings are light, a lone duffle bag sitting in the far corner. Ready to pick up and run on a moment's notice. But for now, this town was safe.

Claire sits on my mind for the rest of the evening. Neighbors? I was definitely not ready to share this floor with anyone else besides Seth, the college student living down the hall. I enjoyed the seclusion of the little corner bakery. The lady who owns the place lets me work early morning shifts, in exchange for keeping a low profile, leaving me alone most of the time. That's the way I operated best. Alone. Alone was safer, for everyone.

A loud thud from downstairs causes me to jump, and I instinctively reach for the knife on my kitchen counter. The cool metal is familiar in my hands yet repulsing at the same time. I let out a shaky breath and drop the knife back on the counter. It was only a cake pan from the bakery. Claire may be inevitable, but there was one thing for certain. I was not going to let myself get involved above a friendly wave in the hallway. I couldn't risk hurting her. I've hurt too many people already, and Claire will not be another.

And with these thoughts I headed off to bed, trying to block out the pulsing pain of my past and make sense of my future.

I drift off to sleep, and for the first time in the last nine months, my dreams aren't filled with nightmares, they're filled with the soothing scent of chamomile and cedar. 

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