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" The man ran in the middle of the streets with only his boxers searching for his son."

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Jimin pursed his lips tightly forcing a straight line to form as he did so. Currently he had allowed Daehee to sleep within him for the last few hours of his escape in which involved long walks without rest. He consumed junk food because it was the only thing he could eat without having to stop and sit. Ultimately, he had to take another train.

Where was he planning to go?

Well after finding out astonishing facts about his past, both Jimin and Daehee had gained the determination to finally turn around towards the past. While up on the attic after over hearing Daehee's messages to him, Jimin read the note his father gave him and he found more things to help him on his journey. Despite running away from home Jimin knew he wasn't safe from the hands trying to grab him. Daehee already warned that  his 'father jay' is able to find him with the skills that he gained from being a gang member and he also knew that other people could be just as good or even better which is the reason for why the poor Jimin goes through his journey with as much little rest as possible. The long destination to his childhood home forced Jimin to have dark circles under his eyes for he didn't sleep. While staring outside at the blinding scenery of the outside colored with clear bright blue skies and one beaming sun, Jimin winces and curses the fact that the sun exist. The small fragile young boy leans against the cold wall of the train to temporarily close his eyes for rest until the train nears the last stop, however it's difficult for him to find peaceful sleep thanks to the irritating sunlight that illuminates almost every area of the cart. Defeated, Jimin Pulls at his blue book bag that was once filled with almost any type of school material to some small amount of junk food ( chips and cookies along with one bottle of drink), he had most of his clothing there, cash, weapons, and other stuff that he found important inside the basement. The heavy loaded bag makes a 'pung' sound as the bottom hits the floor of the train. Jimin pulls out the second to the last bag of chips he bought and sighs already knowing the unhealthy consequences he shall receive from not eating correctly. He tried his best not to mind the ache on his ass after the many hours of sitting on the same spot on the train. Even Daehee bickered about it earlier on the phone.

Again, Jimin attempts to close his eyes and rest against the wall with one hand deep inside the red bag of chips. He was successful and it would have been great if he finished earning all of that energy that he needs to stay awake within the next few hours. However fate wasn't at his side and someone just had to be a disturbance. Poor boy was woken up when a random grown man, chubby, pale, with a beard decided to take advantage of the smaller and youthful male whom he found absolutely astonishing. The chubby man caressed the boy's thigh ever so gently trying not to wake him, and he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for Daehee to have woken up. The confused and disgusted delinquent slowly raises and cranes his head until his eyes were focused at the molester before him. Daehee allowed the nasty and chubby man touch him. He took a nice good look at him before having the older man dumfounded with an upper cut that nearly sent him flying on to the floor. Daehee didn't stop there.
The vicious and daring latter harshly grips the older male by the man's tie that came along with his grey suit. He proceeds to lift him from the ground, pulling until he tied the tie around the silver cold pole of the train. This allowed Daehee to aggressively pull hard on the tie which presses  harder on to the older male's neck and soon he heard the sinful yet satisfying sound of choking.  Lots of normal citizen's gasp. An elder started scolding out loud to Daehee, the adults didn't know if to call police or not, and teenagers automatically fished their phones and forced daehee to stare at everyone's bright red dots of recording.

I'll start editing from here since the previous part is the same as before (unless you want me to look at it again??)

Daehee didn't feel intimidated by the cameras recording his every move for the web to see. Therefore he continued choking the chubby man and explained the reason for his actions to the audience. Daehee mentioned the man touching him on the train which made citizens feel less sympathetic for the man being choked. However one person from the crowd held Daehee by the wrist     
" You can let him go now. You have taught him not to mess with you already. If you keep going you'll kill him," said the one guy who dares stand up against Daehee when the rest of the citizens are too scared. " And you better stop recording! Mind your own business." The guy also scolded the crowd who then hid their phones. Daehee abruptly released the tie with an eye roll and the man fell onto his hands and knees, releasing loud disgusting coughs as he recovered for air. Daehee went back to his seat next to the wall again and other people stood up and went farther, afraid that they might get the same fate as the man on the ground.


Later this day, Daehee and Jimin got the sleep that they needed and they both awoke right in time to get off at that bus stop that was very close to their old home where the boy's father died. Currently, Jimin felt exhausted from having to deal with this sudden rash idea to run away from home and Jay's hands. But then Jimin remembers how hurt he had felt once he had read the letter that Daehee hid under his bed. He feels betrayed and almost couldn't believe that Jay kept more than that one secret hidden all his life. Jimin didn't even think Jay could be part of a gang. It is an awful thing that his father had to go down so embarrassingly. A man of crime. Jimin however knew that he is in danger because of his father's work. There is a group after him because they want money that only Jimin has the authority to gain. As he wonders more about the situation, Jimin comes to the realization  about why Jay liked to move into so many different homes and areas. it is because the gang after them found them each time.

Daehee thought that it was better to get off the grid of earth if they want to be safe from any gang after them. And it all starts with a brand new apartment. Which Jimin has the money to pay. The red head stops in frontm a tall cream and brown building that looks like a apartment complex. He tightly grips the handles of his backpack and gulps

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Edited by Laety_KC

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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