Speak of the Devil 16

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Chapter 16

The plan was happening tonight, and I was driving on auto-pilot, I found myself walking through the doors of Insomniac, the club when I first met Aleda. Aleda, by Lamia, my chest ached my throat scorched, Aleda.

Walking through the crowd I noticed the almost predatory looks I was receiving from the ladies in the club. Though I was surrounded by pulsing blood my mouth wasn't watering in the slightest.

Not one hour, and over seven liters of blood later I was driving home to my manor. Heading into my room I changed clothes, a black three piece suit, a bright blue rose in the pocket. For the final touch a matching blue mask.

Walking out of my room I headed out the door where Gale, Haru, Zephyr, and Toltec waited for me. Each was dressed up, in their own finery. Haru in robe after robe under his iris designed hakama, his mouth and nose covered by a beak-like mask, is black wings throwing off a green shine.

Gale was dressed in the finery of the court gentry a white mask covering his forehead and half of his cheeks, his long hair was pulled back with a ribbon. Zephyr wore the same as me the only difference, a red rose and red mask. Toltec on the other hand was dressed as he would have when he was human.

He wore gold bands all over his wrists and ankles, silk pants with a gold band around his waist. On his arm where the muscles of his shoulder meet the muscle of his arm, he wore a woven band of root from which sparkling glass charms, and colorful feathers hung.

Looking each of them in the eye for a final time, we went over the plan yet again, tonight was the night "Let's go!" We had a party to crash.


(Aleda's POV---some 3 hours earlier)

We walked down the hall in stony silence, what could Arkan possibly want? Stopping in my tracks in the middle of the hall I saw Seramin turn toward me, shooting me a quizzical look. Raising an eyebrow I asked as calmly as possible "What does Arkan want with me?"

"To speak to you in his chambers, I've told you this, have I not?"

"You and I both know there's more to it, than that, what aren't you telling me?"

"How about a game, loser tells all. If you win I tell you what I know, if I win you answer a few questions, deal?

"deal" my voice held no hesitations.

"So what is this 'game' you spoke about?" I mentally crossed my fingers for luck, not that lady luck had been on my side recently.

He smiled "It's simple really, all you have to do is ask me a yes or no question, other than that just figure out if I'm lying or telling the truth."

"But how will I know if you're lying?"

"That's just another part of the game dear."

"You have until, we reach Arkan's chambers to try to flush the answers out of me first to five out of seven."

I chuckled, "let's do this"

By the time I reached Arkan's chamber I'd learned nothing other than the fact that I was a horrible liar. Seramin on the other hand has no boundaries and learned everything he possibly could. Taking a deep breath I walked into Arkan's chambers he sat at the edge of his bed head bowed over his clasped hands between his knees.

His head raised when he heard me come in, in the center of the room between us burned a large blue fire; the kindling seemed to be large crystals. "Aleda have a seat," before I knew what was happening I was seated on a soft, plush seat. A servant entered then with two drinks the glass looked as if it was made of ice; however the cup felt warm to the touch, a light wisp of steam rose from the cup. Floating gently on the surface of the liquid sat a single pink anemone, the flower giving off a wonderful fragrance.

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