Episode 3

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After lunch, we all went to train our stamina. Mama and Papa told us to run around our forest training perimeter FIVE times, and it is not a small forest. We all have a lot of stamina, but it still isn't very fun. We started off, but Ian just sort of shuffled along at the pace of a mouse with a broken leg.

"Ian is lagging again," I announced to Cora as we jogged beside one another.

"I'll take care of it," she said, and darted over to him, "Hey, Ian, if you complete the laps, I'll give you French Toast!"

"Ohhhh great!" he exclaimed and took off. Cora caught back up and we finished our laps. Afterwards, Cora gave Ian some French Toast including a pool of syrup, he demolished it. Then, after that, we had to do some drills. Cora had to do 65 sit-ups and 25 pushups, while Ian and I had to do 85 sit-ups and 40 pushups.

"Ugh, I don't want to!" Ian whined and collapsed on the ground.

"Fine, Ian, you can have a baguette if you do it." I offered him.

"Is that French?"


"Ok, fine." he gave in, helpless to resist the idea of French food, and began his workout. which he completes before both of us, while Cora finished last. (see ya) (bye)


Red: We will not update next tuesday, sorry.

UWBM: Sorry.

Red: Well we have to go bye.

UWBM: Bye.

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