The daymare

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"Goodbye mum!" Alice said to her mother before leaving the house. She was going to stay at her father's for the weekend. She had worn her favourite clothes, packed her backpack and now she was entering her father's limo.

Yes, her father was a rich man and of course she was raring to go and visit him. "Hello Jacob!" She said to the driver. "Hello dear. How are you?" "I'm fine thank you." "How's school going? Made any new friends?" "Umm... no, not really, but I'm doing pretty good with my classes and the teachers aren't bad." "I'm glad to hear that sweety."

But this was a lie. Alice was 13 years old and never had a friend in her life. Everybody bullied her. This had caused her a lot of problems, one of which was school. All her grades had rapidly fallen. The only good thing was that she had become an excelent actor. Hidding her true feelings was the only thing that she was good at.

After some time, they arrived at her father's villa. "Hey boy!" She told to the little dutchhund that was jumping on her. "Where's dad?" She asked Jacob. "I suppose in his office. Go on. Go give him a hug!" She ran inside the house. After some turns, she was finally in front of her father's office.

When she opened the door, what she saw was horrifying. Her father was lying on the floor, bleeding profusely. "Somebody help! Please!" She screamed. Jacob entered the room. He saw that the blood was coming from the opened stitches. He took off his shirt and gave it to Alice. "Here. Hold it on the stitches while I'm calling an ambulance."

Alice took the shirt and placed it on her father's back, crying. He was dying because of her. It was her fault. The ambulance arrived and it took them to the hospital. Alice was sitting beside her father for the whole time. When he opened his eyes, he smiled to her.

"Hey sweety." "Hey dad." She was still crying. "Why are you crying?" "All these happened because of me! I should have been in your place!" "Hush my dear. I chose to save you. I knew the risks." "But I don't want you to die!" "We all die at some point sweetheart..." "No! You're too young! I love you!" "Please Alice. Can you do me a favor?" "Anything." "Don't let others' words hurt you. Never again. Don't let anything make you cry. Tell your mother that I love her. You can change the world sweety. Please believe in yourself and never give up. Will you do this for me? For your dad?" She couldn't stop crying. "Sweety?" "Of course dad." She cried and hugged him tight. He closed his eyes and smiled, while a tear was going down his cheek.

Hugging his daughter, he left his last breath.

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