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Dan's P.O.V.

I have been comfortable with being alone ever since I learned to talk. I never spoke to anyone unless mandatory and I avoided interacting with others to the best of my ability. Social interaction was a fear of mine that had became apart of me and wasn't planning on vacating the premises any time soon. I was a pathetic introvert who hid from society and used my apartment as a safe haven. I was so accustomed to spending every second of my life alone, that I viewed it as normal at this point.

When I was younger, I did spend time with my family but lost almost all contact with them once I moved out. They were the only people who have ever mattered in my life and was a sensitive topic for me. Even though all connection between us had been cut, I still thought about them on the daily. We got along moderately when I lived with them. I couldn't stand my parents consistent intentions of bringing me outside of my bubble to converse with others though. They'd set up play dates when I was younger and then when I grew up, they'd invite strangers from my school without my consent. I was ignorant and refused to give in so quickly. I desperately wanted them to see things from my perspective even if for only a second. It's not that I hate everyone and I purposely try to be an annoying prick, I just preferred isolation over anything else.

I get a yearning every once and awhile to meet someone who would understand but then I realize that'd defeat the entire purpose of being alone. I don't disagree that it's satisfactory to have someone close to you but that just isn't want I want to have in my life. I don't need it either. I've made it this far by myself, I'm sure I could manage to live out the rest of my years this way.

My sixth birthday was a traumatic experience that I have pushed to the very back of my mind and strained to keep it there. I wish I was capable of forgetting that days existence entirely, but unfortunately that was impossible. My parents were convinced that I was just a late bloomer when it came to being a social butterfly and wanted to give me that extra shove in the correct direction. They couldn't even begin to comprehend when I explained to them that I just wanted to play alone in my room with my brand new toys. I had informed them that I hated surprises as well but they didn't respect that part of me either.

On June 11th, 1997, my parents went beyond and above to throw me a surprise birthday party. My other birthdays leading up to this point, had been quiet and solely with my family. My parents invited people from my class that I had no idea even existed. My mother baked me a cake and decorated it herself while my father hung up a rainbow happy birthday sign on our fireplace mantle. He even took the extra time to carve me a two foot 'six' out of wood because he knew I respected his craftsmanship. My mother had set out the cake and dinner she had prepared all across our dining room table and stacked all the presents neatly beside it.

My uncle had came to take me out to the movies to see Flubber with Robin Williams in it. The movie was enjoyable but my overwhelming excitement to open presents made it difficult to concentrate. I was honestly thrilled to go back home and even skipped out of the cinema.

Once we arrived back at my family's small family home in Berkshire, England, I rushed to get inside. Once I opened the door, I went from ecstatic to bitter within seconds.


My eyes had widened as I scanned all the unfamiliar faces currently standing inside of my home. The hairs on the back of my neck became erect as a deep crimson blush crept up onto my cheeks. My head titled downward as I attempted to avoid everyone's stares.

"Happy birthday, Daniel," My mother smiled warmly at me, opening her arms out to me. I could tell she was proud of herself for throwing such a hefty celebration for my sixth birthday.

I hesitantly shuffled into her arms, grateful when she held me tightly against her chest. She was the only thing keeping me upright when my knees buckled underneath of me. I shielded my face from everyone else by pressing into her. She chuckled and I moved slightly with each vibration. I couldn't help but to frown when she pulled away and placed her hands on top of my shoulders.

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