June 24th

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"Have you been to Java Junction before?"

Dante looked up from his cup of coffee at the waiter then at the young blonde haired woman who was at his side who silently held a coffee mug, her name was Rhea.

Rhea happened to be his date. His blind-date. Last week his sister had met someone who she thought was ideal for him and suggested- or forced- him to go on a date with her on the same day the world famous Pulsar Labs also happened to be turning on what was to be the very first teleporter. June 24th.

He was not particularly excited about the date; from Dante's perspective, it seemed Rhea wasn't exactly excited either.

Rhea shook her head, her calm olive green eyes nicely complemented her hair which was pulled back in a bun, "No, I haven't"

"Nope, first time," Dante replied.

Then the waiter spoke again, "Would you both like a refill for seventy-five cents?"

Rhea nodded, "Yes," then she looked at Dante who was fingering the coffee stirrer, "How about you Dante?"

Dante looked up, "Oh sorry, sure, I'll take a refill."

"Alright then," The waiter paused and wrote down on a piece of paper, "By the way, did you know that Pulsar Labs is going to test drive the very first teleporter today at three o' clock? And that Java Junction is conveniently close to Pulsar Labs? You two can walk right over there when they turn it on if you like."

Dante's face lit up with a smile, maybe if he took Rhea it would liven their date up a touch; he knew that Rhea was fond of science. He looked at Rhea who's face also showed interest at the waiter's comment, "Would you like to go Rhea?"


Dante paid the waiter, then he walked out with Rhea.

Outside, there were many people who were walking towards the great white building with the words "Pulsar Labs" plastered on the front. Just as the waiter said Pulsar Labs was about nine hundred yards away from the Java Junction Cafe. Being so close Dante and Rhea could easily get a front row seat.

As they walked towards the front of the crowd Dante accidentally bumped into a teenage girl with a baseball cap, "Watch it!" she shouted, then veered left angrily muttering under her breath.

Dante, still startled by this, said nothing, but kept walking forward with Rhea who was unquestionably excited. Had she noticed?

When they had made it to the very front there were several scientists wearing lab coats who were standing near a large black object that was in the shape of a torus held up by a foundation.

Looking at his phone, Dante could see it was two minutes to three, then one of the scientists had stepped forward and started to speak.

"Today, history will be made. The very first teleporter has finally been invented. With this breakthrough technology, we'll change transportation as we know it, In one minute we will turn this on and send a live human through. Please stand by."

A murmur swept through the crowd, Dante could *feel* the tension, and excitement that hung in the atmosphere.

Then Rhea spoke up, "I can't wait to--" Suddenly an emergency alert siren blasted through the air. First they heard a strange sound, then looking towards the teleporter Dante and Rhea could see the teleporter had emitted what looked like to be a medium electric blue colored energy wave in a spherical shape around the teleporter and quickly moving towards the mass of people who were already running the other way as quick as their legs could take them.

"Run!" Rhea shouted, over the siren at Dante who was paralyzed with fear.

Then he ran with Rhea towards to closest building. His heart was racing, his was mind reeling while absorbing what just occurred. Then, without realizing it for an instant he accidentally made Rhea trip and fall, "Rhea!" he called out and ran back to help Rhea up on her feet.

Then they looked up, the energy wave was right in front of them.

Dante's whole body felt like it was on fire.

Then everything went black. 

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