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Loop I

"Have you been to Java Junction before?"

Dante looked up from his cup of coffee with a jolt and looked around the cafe. Then he looked to his right at Rhea who was looking around the cafe strangely.


Then Dante looked at the waiter, "Maybe," He answered, then he looked to Rhea who was looking around the cafe strangely, "Have we been here before?"

Rhea only looked at Dante.

Then the waiter spoke again, "Would you like a refill for--"

"Seventy-five cents?" Dante interrupted.

The waiter grinned, "Yes sir! Would you two like one?" Both shook their heads in a unanimous silent no.

"Alright then," The waiter paused and wrote down on a piece of paper, "By the way, did you know that Pulsar Labs is going to test drive the very first teleporter today at--"

"Three o' clock," Rhea interjected finally speaking.

The waiter looked at the two, "Yes," then he walked off.

"Rhea," Dante whispered, "What's the time, and date?"

Rhea took out her phone, "Two-forty, June 24th."

"Is it me, or has that already happened?"

"I'm not sure Dante. Let's go outside, I want to check something." Rhea motioned to Dante as she stood up. Dante followed Rhea towards Pulsar Labs.

As they walked near the front of the crowd that gathered on the street near Pulsar Labs, Dante accidentally bumped into a teenage girl with a baseball cap, "Watch it!" she shouted, then veered left angrily muttering under her breath.

Rhea turned, her face showed recognition when she saw what had happened, then when they had made it to the front of the crowd she looked at Dante, "I was right, the teleporter is black and torus shaped, with about ten scientists standing near it. There is no way I should have known that."

Dante looked at the clock again, two minutes to three. Then one of the scientists spoke up, "Today, history will be made. The very first teleporter has finally been invented. With this breakthrough technology, we'll change transportation as we know it, In one minute we will turn this on and send a live human through. Please stand by."

Suddenly, it hit Dante he could distinctly remember being hit by the energy wave, "Rhea--" Abruptly, an emergency alert siren blasted through the air. The teleporter emitted an energy wave.

Dante heard Rhea yell in pain before the world went black.

Loop II

"Have you been to Java Junction before?"

Dante immediately looked up at the waiter, "Yes, I have," he turned to Rhea, "We need to warn them."

Rhea stood up, "Your right." Then Dante stood up to go with her.

The waiter, clearly befuddled at this called out to them, "Wait! Don't you want--"

"No sir, we don't want a refill for seventy-five cents." Dante returned and ran out with Rhea towards Pulsar Labs.

"Girl to your left," Rhea mentioned without looking. Dante then saw the girl and moved aside.

When the two made it to the front of the crowd they walked up to the platform to get the scientists attention.

"Hey! This thing is going to explode! Call it off!" Dante and Rhea called up to the scientists but was stopped by two police officers.

"It's not going to explode, you'll see." The first officer declared.

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