a cursed escape

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A/n: sorry for the long wait for an update schools been kicking my ass lately.

The doctor couldn't have gotten far I mean it's only been a couple of minutes max and this is a pretty linear hallway, basically a straight shot and only a couple doors have gotten in the way, like this one for instance.

Prisoner: Alright mister door either you're unlocked and easily open or it's a closed casket funeral.

I tried turning the handle only to be met with resistance. I sigh deeply as I kicked the door into slivers with ease.

Prisoner: rest in peace mister door you were taken too soon.

I continue down the long hallway meeting more and more locked doors, which in a way I suppose is good, it's allowing me to get my strength back from the years of no food or sleep. I keep going, each door meeting an early grave before I eventually come to a large steel door.

Prisoner: okay, I'm gonna assume your the father of all these other doors, listen they didn't move so they got what was coming to them, so either move or suffer the consequences.

The door made no noise or movement.

Prisoner: Alright then gonna be like that huh, two can play at this game then.

Having had enough with the doors attitude I throw a hard right making a massive dent.

Prisoner: oh ho ho not so high and mighty anymore now are ya.

Still the door remained silent.

Prisoner: grr alright I've had enough.

I threw another right this time followed by a left then a kick. The door, heavily dented still stood, so with a roar of anger I kicked one last time with all of my might and kicked that son of a bitch right off it's hinges.

Prisoner: Haa thats right no one fucks with- wait what's my name again? Ah screw it who cares.

As I step into the room the metal door was guarding I look around for my quarry. I spot the good doctor sniveling in the corner like the coward he is.

Prisoner: Hiya doc oh how the tables have turned, except there is no table here so eh whatever, say your prayers.

I take a lunge toward the doctor only for him to stab me with a syringe, I sigh deeply.

Prisoner: What's it this time doc more cyanide and arsenic we've gone through everything I can't die.

As I say this I feel a burning pain on my scalp and my eyes.

Prisoner: Ahh what is this is, it's not painful or anything just annoying.

Doctor: damnit that should have done more to you, shit!

As I'm shaking my head to try and clear the pain away I spot someone in a mirror, a young man with white hair like snow and eyes crimson red.

Prisoner: Is is that me?

Doctor: Yes unfortunately. That compound was supposed to rearrange your whole genetic structure not change your hair and eyes.

Prisoner: Hmph neato welp back to killing you.

Doctor: wait wha-

The doc didn't get to finish his sentence as I punch a hole straight through his heart.

Prisoner: now for freedom.

As I turn around to leave I spot the man who freed me earlier, he must have followed me.

???: who are you, where's that kid from earlier, and why did you kill that doctor?

As the man says this he adopts a fighting stance.

Prisoner: I am the kid, doc here stabbed me with something that changed how I look, and I killed him as payback for years of torture.

The man looked shocked for a second but then nodded, I guess he decided I was telling the truth.

???: alright then. Follow me let's get you outta here. You got a name kid?

As head began to leave he looked at me as he asked the question.

Prisoner: If i did I don't know it but you can call me...  Immortal.

A/n: oh great a cliffhanger after a short update hell of a way to comeback sorry this took so long to update I've been extremely occupied juggling school a job and  trying to have a social life, so updates will most likely be few and far between. But I do hope you enjoyed and i will see you next time. Also if your wondering why Immortal seemingly bounces between personalities it's because I wrote bits and pieces of this story every now and then so it's just different schools of thought hopefully next chapter will be more coherent. Bye for real this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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