The Doorway

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The door was left open

Hopefully for me

The tawny sunset visible

My chance to be free

Committed to creeping closely carefully

I made it to the door

Looking out upon the world

I saw something I hadn't before

As the sun dipped below the horizon

The world seemed to pause

I grasped how high the doorway was

And how close I was to death's claws

I felt no fear standing there

Just a sense of awe

I looked without a single thought

Just soaked in what I saw

I saw the open field

I saw the empty trees

There wasn't a single soul

Just the empty breeze

I considered jumping

Trying my hardest to fly

Feeling the wind on my face

Touching the empty sky

I lifted up my foot

Hanging it over the edge

If I jumped now

Would I fall from this ledge?

There was always a chance

That I would know to fly

I wanted to believe

But why would it be I?

I let the feeling hold me

The warmth of freedoms embrace

I felt its arms around me

Though I couldn't see a face

The truth seemed to show me

The world's wonderful grace

Though I could never fly

I could climb the staircase

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