Chapter One

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Soulmate: A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romatic partner.

Soulmates only happen once in your life. Finding that person will be immensely arduous. You will be put through pain.

The real question is do we all actually have a soulmate? I believe we all do. Most of our soulmates will not be our exemplary dream lover. Girls will not have their prince charming, nor will guys have their drool worthy model.

In the end, we all try and find someone to care for us. Our ideas of a soulmate will change. Eyes will be opened. No one is perfect, but yet, they are. Perfectly imperfect.

Robert Brault once said, "What we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame but something wild to run with". This quote shows that somethings about a your soulmate will be different than you thought it would be. Sometimes you just need to be okay with the flaws.

Elizabeth Gilbert also helps with this as she writes, "People think your soulmate is your perfect fit. And that's what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life".

Being with someone will help you change yourself. Every relationship changes you. Sometimes for better, some for worse. But in the end your soulmate will help you look upon yourself and see change. Make you want change. Change for the better.

Life is not a cliche fiction novel. Yet, we empathize the feelings they feel. We know how it feels to supposedly love someone who in the end is not truly meant for us.

We all come from different sides of the track. Some have plans for their future. Others, they want to live in the moment. Soulmates can come from either side.

Everyone says, "opposites attract". But what if that is not completely factual? Some peope take this saying into consideration. I believe this is incorrect. As I have said before, life is not a cliche teen fiction novel. People with similarities also are compatible together effortlessly.

We are all constantly changing and evolving. But we all know who we are deep inside. The world is evolving. People are changing.

We all have that one person out there somewhere in the world. They are changing just as much as we are. Soulmates are meant to be even if things end up not being the way you want it to be.

We try to limit love. Love can be a long distance thing. We can leave that person to find who we are. But in the end it will always be our soulmate who we come back to.

Everyone no matter what you have done, will always have a soulmate. No matter how much we change we will always have that one soulmate to stick with us 'till the end.

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