The truth

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I wanted to say they are still ladybug and Cat Noir in this.They just got it in different regions.(I know it's crazy but it could happen🤷🏼‍♀️)

             Marinette's POV
I was under the Eiffel Tower until I heard foot steps.I pulled my legs up to my chest and laid my head down.

Marinette!I heard Adrien yell my name but I didn't answer.I have a big crush on him that he doesn't even know about!

When I heard him sit down next to me,I stood up and looked at him.Look,Adrien,I can't talk or be near you so leave me alone!He looked at me with wide eyes and I covered my eyes.

My eyes watered while I looked at him.Im sorry,I got to go,I said while turning on my heel.I sobbed and ran to my room.When I got to my room,I climbed up to my balcony.I let my hair out of the pig tails and laid against the railing.

I looked up at the beautiful view of the Paris with a crisp wind blowing.I put in my hear buds,playing the song when she cries by Britne Nicole!
(Nightcore version)

All of a sudden, I hear a thud behind me.I turn around to face CAT NOIR!I looked at him and then back at Paris.Whats wrong,he asked?

It's nothing kitty,I replied.He came over and looked a text that Chloe sent me.

Chloe:I heard Adrien found out!Ill be waiting in the school basement.

I sob quietly but he heard me anyway.Marinette,your being blackmailed!Why didn't you tell anyone!

I looked at him and cried!

Cat Noir POV
She turned back to me and ran to me.She cried into my chest and looked at me."I'm sorry Cat,it's just your the first person I told".Why is she blackmailing you for,I asked.

"Well,she likes Adrien and so do I"!I looked at her wide eyed and listened to more of what she was saying.

Marinette's POV
I don't like Adrien for his looks and fame like other girls.I love him for who he is.He's sweet,kind,brave and he stands up for what's right.If he sees one of his friends sad, he will go and help them like theres nothing going to stop him!

Yes,he might be nice and perfect but he also has other problems.A side from all that kindness,he's sad and feels loneliness.His dad is strict and unsocial so he as no one to talk to.Before he came to that school,I know for a fact,that he would do anything to see his friends.I feel really sorry for him.Any free time he has, he try's to spend it with his three best friends.Me,Alya,and Nino.The best part is that....I knew him since we were little.I don't know what I would have done with out him.I would switch life's with him anytime to save him the trouble at home.

Cat Noirs POV
I can't believe it!She just described my whole life!I wouldn't blame her because she did know me when we were little but she's different.I looked at her and sighed.I love you to Marinette,even if I didn't show it.What,do you mean?How would you know!She asked me questions and I de-transformed.A-Adrien!She covered her mouth and started crying.Whats wrong!I can't be near you Adrien,she will hurt me.No she won't because I won't let her.We smiled and hugged each other.

(Hey guys!I do skip ALOT in this story but as u read u can can figure what happen here and their.MARICHAT MOMENTS!Im so sorry chapters are so short but hopefully I will make this book longer,better,and more fun to read as I go.Im so sorry!

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