First round.

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Me: Okay, so I talked to the mushroom games manager.

Mr. L: There real!?

Me: Yeah, you think I made them up?

Mr. L: Yeh.

Me: *stares at Mr. L* ookay. Now he said we can start with 4 judges.

Mr. L: Wait, 4?

Raechel: Hello!

Me: Mr. L, meet Raechel.

Mr. L: oh, why hello.

Raechel: Now. Where were we?

Me: FIRST ROUND START! Flip a coin, which side?

Mario: Heads!

R. Peach: Tails!

Me: *flips coin* Heads! Now, heads or tails?

R. Pikachu: Tails! N-

Mario: Heads!

Me: *flips coin* Heads wins! Mario, pick from the box!

Raechel: *shakes me* this is gonna get good!

Mario: A team challenge. You have 1min to put makeup on one of the boys in the team. Rock, paper scissors for the boys.

All boys: *plays rock paper scissors*

R. Luigi: Aww man!

Mario: Mama mia!

R. Yoshi: NOoO

Me: First, you grab a makeup kit on that table over there, then start. Go!

R. Pikachu: *grabs kit* START. GO .NOW!! *Puts makeup on*

Me: All teams started!

Raechel: Looks like team 2# is having trouble! Team 1# Leads!

R. Luigi: I look like a gurl.

R. Inkling: A very ugly gurl!

R. Pikachu and R. Inkling: * Laughs*

R. Pikachu: He was always ugly!

R. Luigi: yeah yeah, very funny.

Me and Raechel: Times up!

Me: Is that a clown?

R. Yoshi: No its me.

Me: *Laughs real ugly* sorry sorry!

Me and other judges: *whispers* I like how mario looks but al-

R. Peach: We hear you guys. You didnt turn off ur mics

Me and others: *turns off mics*

***1 min later***

Me: The winner is mario and his team!

Marios team: Yeah!

Me: now thats round 1! We will play another round tommorow!

Me and Raechel: Bye! And see you all soon!

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