Chapter 1

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Kara's POV

Over the years I have discovered that humans are selfish and that it's better for me to not be around them. Humans are possessive and cruel creatures that want to contain and own me. I have been locked away from the majority of the world many times, and now I am to the point that I hide myself from the world by my own freewill.

After one of my many escapes (from a human, though that's not always the case) I decided that I should stop living in civilizations, because it always ends in chaos. I am now living in a secluded part of a beautiful forest. Being around the gorgeous and vibrant tree and rivers, along with the friendly animals has been very nice. I haven't eaten any meat since I moved out here, the wildlife creatures are my friends and I couldn't dream of hurting them.

I haven't seen any humans in years, well I guess I have, but I haven't talked to any of them, or even let them see me. There has been a few brave souls that have dared to venture out into this deathtrap that is called a forest, and only a small amount of the ones that do come actually survive. Many arrogant people have tried to travel through this forest, and most of them were eaten alive (both by the plants and animals in here are capable of this act, so I'm not exactly sure which one usually ends the pricks that enter). The people who are humble are able to get through this killer forest, because I protect them.

Though I'm not very fond of humans, I am still a dragon, a protector of all that is good. I can't fight against my nature; when I see something that is pure I have to help and protect it to the best of my ability. I don't have to take action that often; most of the humans in this world are corrupt.

Today seems to be like any other day, the beautiful bluebirds are singing their song, the branches on the trees are rustling slightly, and the grass is swaying softly side-to-side; it's lovely and peaceful. Suddenly my ears perked up and I could hear the low murmuring of human voices; something that doesn't belong here.

After about thirty seconds I could hear the voices getting louder until I could finally make out a high-pitched female voice saying, "Hak, my feet hurt, can't we take a break?"

"No, we can't princess, we are trying to get their as soon as we can. That means NO BREAKS," a male voice, who I assume is Hak, states in a firm, but annoyed tone.

Once again the female's voice fills the air as she says, "but...."

"No," Hak states, not budging on what he said earlier.

"Haks being mean," the female voice whines. I can practically see the girl (though I don't know what she looks like) having tears form on the rim of her eyes and a small pout on her face.

"Hak let us stop. I need to gather some more herbs anyway," a new voice that sounds very feminine a yet masculine at the same time. A groan echoes throughout the forest at the exact same time as a cheer.

"Thank you, Yun. My feet have been killing me for the last three hours," the girl says in a relieved tone. I hear her sit down roughly, causing a slight "thunk" to fill the forest.

"Don't thank me, I was telling the truth; I need to gather more herbs," Yun says, sighing quietly. Hmmm, I wonder if they are as harmless as they seem... I focus, force my eyes closed and think only of Yuns voice. Okay, I need to find some herbs...I don't want Yona to get hut again.I hear this directly in my head. His pure thoughts made me crack a small smile and stand up.

I'll get some of the rare medical herbs and put them in a place where he can find them. I think to myself, not being able to resist the urge to aid a good person that's in need. I sprint through the trees at an alarmingly quick speed, knowing exactly where I should go. About sixteen minutes later I finally stopped in front of a towering cliff that has small terraces poking out of it, with valuable medical shrubs growing on them. I take in a deep breath and let out a deeps sigh. Then I grab a part of the natural wall that is jutted out and began to climb up.

After a small amount of time I could see what I was looking for: Trycla. Trycla is a herb that is known for being able to cauterize blood; so a wound will stop bleeding, as well as being extremely rare. I grab the plant that is currently in my sights and I pick it, careful to leave the small roots in the ground so it can grow there once again.

I continue to scale up the cliff until an almost exact copy of the last plant I pulled came into my sight. I repeated the process of attaining it and I start my decent back onto the sold ground of the forest. In almost no time at all I reached the firm natural floor of the Earth. I then run back to where I originally saw/heard the humans, and stop about half-a-mile away. I put down a large tree leaf down to make it so it will be easy to find the plant and set the herb onto it.

I sense that the human boy is close by. To make sure that he will come over here I bang a stick against a large tree, gaining his attention. I scurry up the tree and hop from branch-to-branch so he won't catch sight of me. I make sure I am close enough to see HIM but far enough so he can't see ME. A young boy who appears to be about fifteen, with strawberry blonde, sky blue eyes, and a short stature came into my view. He starts to scan the area and his eyes fall onto the herbs I picked for him.

"What the ... Is that Trycla?!" he asks loudly, surprise evident in his voice. He takes a step forward, but then he looks around frantically. When he didn't see anything suspicious he scurries to the plant quickly. He grabs it and holds it to his chest. I'm glad, now I'll be able to help Yona and Hak. He looks around once again, smiling, and says, "Thank you." He turns around and runs off the way he came.

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